Monday, December 31, 2007

Paging Al Gore, Sir Nicholas Stern...

The UK would like a word with you...


Sunday, December 30, 2007

Everything in Texas is BIG

Including the lies. Hopefully this young girl has learned something from this whole ordeal. I for some reason doubt that her mom has....

If there were a "Club Libby Lu" here in Edmonton, I would go and buy something just to show my support for their decision in this matter.

I won't do the online shopping thing as I refuse to use my credit card online. My support only goes so far....


One year later

U.S. To Re-Hang Saddam Hussein:

WASHINGTON, DC—Calling last December's execution of Saddam Hussein "anticlimactic," White House officials announced Monday their intention to hang the late Iraqi dictator again this year in an attempt to garner a more favorable response from the public. [...]

You know... this really would not surprise me.... and now for the real News


The on going page

Paging Al Gore, Paging David Suzuki... Paging Al Gore, Paging David Suzuki... Atlantic Canada really really wants a word with you!


With age also comes wisdom

First of all I would like to pass on my condolences to Christopher Klim's family. The death of a loved one is never easy to deal with. The circumstances of Christopher's death make it that much harder to understand.

The Canadian Press: Via CTV:

Klim's grandparents Harry and Shirley released a statement saying they appreciate the support and help they've received dealing with their grandson's mental illness over the years.

They say they don't blame anyone for what happened and are thankful no one else was physically harmed in the situation.

Certainly not the "usual" response we are use to hearing this day and age.


Monty Python Taliban Style

You're fired... No I'm not... Yes you are... You can't fire me... Yes I can... No you can't... I just did... You don't have that authority... Mullah Omar said so... No he didn't... Yes he did... prove it... I have an an audio clip...No you don't!


Saturday, December 29, 2007

Will this Nightmare ever end?

I had no idea that this years Rose Bowl was featuring an exciting match up between the Mother from hell and the President of the United States of America. The halftime show will consist of a demonstration of Chinese cultivation practices. And this people is just the Rose Bowl Parade.

I can't imagine what fun the real game will bring. With names like the "Fighting Illini" and the "Trojans", there is a 2% chance of a break through, and a 98% chance that all will be safe in the end zones.


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Paging Al Gore, David Suzuki...

Atlantic Canada, the Fraser Valley area and the Greater Vancouver Area, would like a word with you...


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Lets start with a bit of humor from Jeff Dunham and his pal Achmed shall we...

Now lets move on to a little more serious matter. I belong to no religion. I am however not without faith and I do have my beliefs. I have faith that good will always win over evil, given enough time. I have faith in mankind, although some days I do wonder. I believe we are not alone in this universe, I simply refuse to be that arrogant. December 25, is Christmas Day. It was way before you and I were born, and will remain so way after we are gone. So lets quit kidding ourselves with this "Happy Holidays" crap shall we. I believe in calling a spade a spade.

Merry Christmas, and yes, that is with a capital C.

HT to Bernie and Gunney99 in the comments at SDA


Attention Al Gore

The Midewest would like a word with you...


Merry Christmas

To the outstanding men and women who have chosen to serve in the Canadian Armed Forces.

"Merry Christmas My Friend" AKA "The Soldiers Night Before Christmas"
The original poem was written by Corporal James M Schmidt, 1993. It has been altered several times. This is not the original version, but is more suited to those in the Canadian Forces.

Twas the night before Christmas.
He lived all alone,
In a one bedroom house made of
Plaster and Stone.

I had come down the Chimney,
With presents to give.
And to see just who In this home
did live.

I looked all about
A strange sight I did see.
No tinsel, No presents,
Not even a tree.
No stocking by the mantle,
Just boots filled with sand.

On the wall hung pictures
Of far distant lands.
With medals and badges,
Awards of all kinds,
A sober thought
Came through my mind.
For this house was different,
It was dark and dreary,
I found the home of a soldier,

Once I could see clearly.
The soldier lay sleeping,
Silent, alone,
Curled up on the floor
In this one bedroom home.

The face was so gentle,
The room in such disorder,
Not how I pictured

Was this the hero
Of whom I'd just read?
Curled up on a Poncho,
The floor for a bed?
I realized the families
That I saw this night,
Owed their lives to these soldiers
Who were willing to fight.

Soon round the world,
The children would play,
And grownup's would celebrate
A bright Christmas Day.
They all enjoyed freedom
each month of the year,
Because of the soldiers,
Like the one lying here.

I couldn't help wonder
How many lay alone,
On a cold Christmas Eve
In a land far from home.
The very thought
Brought a tear to my eye,
I dropped to my knees
And started to Cry.

The soldier awakened
And I heard a rough voice,
"Santa don't cry,
This life is my choice."
The solider rolled over
And drifted to sleep,
I couldn't control it,
I continued to weep.

I kept watch for hours,
So silent and still
And we both shivered
From the cold nights chill.
I didn't want to leave
On that cold, dark, night,
This guardian of Honor
So willing to fight.

The solider rolled over,
With a voice soft and pure,
Whispered, "Carry on Santa,
It's Christmas Day, All is secure."
One look at my watch,
And I knew he was right.

Merry Christmas my friend, And to all a good night.

The idea for the above video was stolen from Fred Thompson... HT SDA


Saturday, December 22, 2007

The One Word Canadian Liberals Hate


probe still active

Perhaps someday Canadians will finally know the truth of this matter and ALL of those connected will pay for this crime. I personally won't be holding my breath though...


Friday, December 21, 2007

Sin of All Sins

Jason Cherniak loves green beer and leprechaun's, although he had no clue as to what day those things are associated with. He probably likes popcorn too... Apparently he also has no clue as to where, why or by whom it is associated either.

A commenter has pointed out that Mr. Harper has called the by-elections for St. Patrick's Day. The man simply has no class.

Heaven forbid a by-election would interfere with people drinking GREEN BEER!

Newfoundland and Labrador is the only place in Canada that has this day as a holiday due to its Irish heritage. I don't recall any of the four by-election being held in NL. Ontario, check... Saskatchewan, check... British Columbia, check... nope no NL there. Can you therefore try to justify your statement Jason other than the fact that you are a Liberal and anything that Prime Minister Harper does offends you...

Update:(12/22/08 @ 11:00 AM) I have taken Cherniak's faux rage over having a by-elections on St Patrick's day and applied it to the whole of 2008. According to the Earth Calendar there are only 6 days in the year 2008 that are not recognized by someone somewhere. NONE of those dates fall on a Monday. Therefore, using Jason's Liberal logic, we cannot have a by election in 2008. I would assume that would also mean no general elections either as multi cultural Canadians would never want to offend anyone. Unfortunately this calendar stops at Dec. 31, 2008 at the moment, or I could have continued my search to see if and when it would ever be safe to have an election in Canada that would not offend poor little Jason. I will remind Jason if and when his leader forces an election, if the date that it produces does not comply with his new formula.

For the curious... The dates in 2008, with no recognized days are:
January 17(Thurs.), 23(Wed.),30(Wed.).
February 13(Wed.), 20(Wed.).
April 10(Thurs.).


Not even a Moron...

would put any trust in the UN. Wake up people! It is corrupt! Top to bottom...

HT Daimnation!


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Get your bets down

Odds are currently set at 75 to 1 that 2007 WD5 will not hit Mars on January 30th, 2008.

The asteroid, known as 2007 WD5, was discovered in late November and is similar in size to an object that hit remote central Siberia in 1908, unleashing energy equivalent to a 15-megatonne nuclear bomb and wiping out 60 million trees.

Damn good thing there are no trees on Mars eh!

Has anyone put a call into Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler and the rest of the blue-collar deep-core drillers? "For Love. For Honor. For Marskind."


Snow Shovel Shortage

OMG! What will we do? Apparently Canada is suffering from a shortage of snow shovels. Perhaps when the fine people in Bali are done cleaning up all the bullshit left from the Bali conference, they will send us their shovels...


Not Enough

If this is not an injustice, I truly have no idea what is.

An Ontario man who sexually abused his young daughter live on the internet in 2006 was sentenced to four years in prison by a judge in St. Thomas Wednesday.

4 years? Thats it? WTF?

The money quote...
[...] But defence lawyer Bob Upsdell pushed for a sentence that would amount to two more months in prison. He said his client has been beaten up twice while in custody. [...]

This man is lucky if all he got was, "beaten up twice". His daughter received far worse! Hopefully prison justice will KICK in and he will do some hard time.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Putin on the ritz



Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Scientific Slap

Catastrophic impacts made life flourish

A very interesting read... I found this part in particular very interesting...

[...] "It took us about 15 years to accumulate data for this finding, and it's something that isn't just a computer model or simulation. It's real, tactile evidence," he said of the work, which included slowly acid-dissolving almost a ton of rock collected from around the world to sift out bits of chromium. [...]

(Emphasis mine)

Do you get the feeling that he is trying to send a little message to some other scientist? Nudge nudge wink wink...


Anyone have some Ozone depletion credits for sale?

The enviros that were attending the Bali conference, need some help. Seems they had a tough time keeping their cool. Not only did they not purchase nearly enough carbon credits to offset their little vacation, they did not purchase any Ozone depletion credits.

[...] The air-conditioning system installed to keep more than 10,000 delegates cool used highly damaging refrigerant gases - as lethal to the atmosphere as 48,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide, and nearly the equivalent of the emissions of all aircraft used to fly delegates to Indonesia. [...]

[...] Staff from Australia's Natural Refrigerants Transition Board and the London- and Washington-based Environmental Investigation Agency noticed the stockpiled cylinders of hydrochlorofluorocarbons - a refrigerant likely to be phased out over the next few years because it devours ozone in the upper atmosphere.

In addition, the refrigerant is a potent greenhouse gas, with each kilogram at least as damaging as 1.7 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Investigators at the Balinese resort complex at Nusa Dua counted 700 cylinders of the gas, each of them weighing 13.5 kilograms, and the system was visibly leaking.

The air-conditioning system, which used two kilometres of plastic pipe, serviced the European pavilion, the UN Secretariat offices, the media centre and other temporary areas. [...]

It appears that Mr. Chris Goodall's prediction was correct.
The UN estimates 42,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide and other pollutants will be pumped into the atmosphere during the 12-day conference in Bali. [...]

If correct, Goodall said, that's equivalent to what a western city of 1.5 million people, like Marseilles, France, would emit in a day. He believes the real figure will be twice that.

Sometimes, staying home is just the right thing to do...


Monday, December 17, 2007

Whats News?

In Canada, this is news worthy of every paper, TV and radio station...

Canada's CO2 output has increased by 33% from 1990 levels! or some derivative there of....

1990 being the magical year that Kyoto reductions are based upon for no apparent reason. It sounded good at the time I guess. Just like Jean Chrétien's magical 6% reduction number that he pulled out of his ass. Perhaps it was just a number written on a napkin that he found laying around? Who knows...

In Canada, This is NOT news worthy at all...

Just as Norwegian delegates to the UN's conference on climate change started heading home from Bali, came news that Norway's own carbon emissions rose 80 percent from 1990 to 2004.

(Emphasis mine)

To 2004... NOT 2007, but to 2004! Go figure. And yet we are constantly told by our media how well the European countries are doing in comparison to Canada. Go figure.

This could not be the same Norway that just gave out some prize for Peace to some people over at the IPCC and good ol' Al Jr. could it? Why yes.... yes it is... Is that a little egg on those faces I see, or is that egget?

Must be a lot of Tree Hugging Hippies in Norway eh?


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Global Warming Slams the East

Bitter winter storm hits Central, Eastern Canada, parts of U.S.

Sure glad I am out west where we are having a typical winter day.


Bad Day - Daniel Powter

Thanks Lone Pony.

It must have been womens intuition. As it just so happens, that on the very same day that LP originally emailed me this video, I had a "Bad Day", just like in the video. Time will tell how my "Bad Day" works out... I do know I am smiling a whole lot more.


Friday, December 14, 2007

Here's Stevey....

This is the image that lefties see when watching the same movie. We won't mention that the folks over at the CBC have a worse image in their minds.... especially now... PM Harper uses the axe on the CBC's funding, not the door... He is so evil....

HT to Charles Adler for the inspiration for the Harper pic, via his talk show on Dec.13/07


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Joining Forces

The CBC and the Liberal Party of Canada have finally, openly, joined forces by releasing their new logo.

Yes ladies and gentlemen... your tax dollars hard at work... for the liberal party of Canada it seems.


The planet is fine, the people are f_ _ _ed

"The planet will be here a long, long, long, long.... time after we are all gone!"

Caution coarse Language... it is George Carlin after all!

Thank you Mr. Carlin, for yet another shot of reality.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Warning warning!

Danger Will Smith!

I know, I'm dating myself once again. I could not help it after reading the 11th annual Wacky Warning Label Contest.

It is conducted by Michigan Lawsuit Abuse Watch, M-LAW, to reveal how lawsuits, and fear of lawsuits, have driven the proliferation of common-sense warnings on products.

The winning label for this year is..... Drum roll please...........

A label on a small tractor that warns, "Danger: Avoid Death". If you go to the link above it has a picture of the label.

Someone should inform this manufacturer that death is unavoidable. All living things eventually die. It is just the way things work.

Do you remember what pretty much started all of this? Of course you do... Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants Probably the most expensive cup of coffee ever served....


The Pope speaks out

The Pope condemns the climate change prophets

Pope Benedict XVI has launched a surprise attack on climate change prophets of doom, warning them that any solutions to global warming must be based on firm evidence and not on dubious ideology. [...]

[...] he German-born Pontiff said that while some concerns may be valid it was vital that the international community based its policies on science rather than the dogma of the environmentalist movement. [...]

[...] The 80-year-old Pope said the world needed to care for the environment but not to the point where the welfare of animals and plants was given a greater priority than that of mankind. [...]

The enviro freaks won't be liking this one bit... I can hear them now... "what does a religious leader know about science?", "He does not believe in science, he believes in God!" etc etc... This is getting better every day...

HT to: ron in kelowna, in the comments at SDA


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ominous Arctic melt worries experts

[...] "The Arctic is often cited as the canary in the coal mine for climate warming,'' said Zwally, who as a teenager hauled coal. "Now as a sign of climate warming, the canary has died. It is time to start getting out of the coal mines.''

It is the burning of coal, oil and other fossil fuels that produces carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, responsible for man-made global warming. For the past several days, government diplomats have been debating in Bali, Indonesia, the outlines of a new climate treaty calling for tougher limits on these gases. [...]


Not according to THESE Guys...
[...] Writing in the International Journal of Climatology of the Royal Meteorological Society, professor David H. Douglass (of the University of Rochester), professor John R. Christy (of the University of Alabama), Benjamin D. Pearson and professor S. Fred Singer (of the University of Virginia) report that observed patterns of temperature changes ("fingerprints") over the last 30 years disagree with what greenhouse models predict and can better be explained by natural factors, such as solar variability.

The conclusion is that climate change is "unstoppable" and cannot be affected or modified by controlling the emission of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, as is proposed in current legislation.

According to Dr. Douglass: “The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric temperature trends, does not show the characteristic fingerprint associated with greenhouse warming. The inescapable conclusion is that the human contribution is not significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate warming.” [...]

The history of the planets ever changing climate over billions of years trumps some computer model that is fed garbage and spews out garbage.

Nice to see CTV is following the CBC by continuing to use those poor devastated polar bears as their global warming mascot.


He's Kidding right?

Robert Pickton's lawyer has asked that his client be given parole eligibility in 15 to 20 years, because the former pig farmer had no previous criminal history of violence.

Lawyer Peter Richie also said defence witnesses had testified that Pickton tried to help people addicted to drugs.

Ya, he's such a nice guy... Give me a frickin break! This man should NEVER be outside of a prison again. Unless, it is in a body bag...

Our legal system is a joke. It basically says that if you commit one murder, you might as well keep killing until you are caught, as the rest are freebies as you will never serve more than you would for the first. Very sickening...

UP DATE: Pickton must serve 25 years The max our stupid laws allow... Thank you Judge James Williams for at least restoring a little bit of my faith in our courts. Now lets get these laws changed so that criminals serve consecutive sentences!


Alex Trebek

I'll take... Medical Emergency... for a thousand Alex

A medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to a part of the heart is interrupted, most commonly due to rupture of a vulnerable plaque.

What is a heart attack?

Thats right!... oh crap... someone get me a doctor.

Get well soon Alex. I need to continue my education!


Monday, December 10, 2007

Who's Paying the tab?

It had better not be the citizens of Canada! He is here illegally, send him home now! Not only that, if we have paid for his medical care thus far... send him a bill!

[...]"They haven't been able to answer me or anyone else whether they believe this deportation is just. Their fear is not of violence, their fear is dealing with the legitimate concerns of people." [...]

[...] Singh came to Canada on a forged passport in 2003 but suffered a massive stroke three years later that left him a quadriplegic.

Last week the border services agency served Singh with papers ordering him to leave the country on Monday.

The exclusion order, which enforces an earlier deportation order, required the 48-year-old Punjabi man to report to the airport for a flight to India.

He is fighting to stay in Canada on humanitarian grounds because he fears he will not receive necessary medical care if he is returned to India, where he says that government has falsely accused him of having links to terrorism. [...]

As far as the 1000 or so protesters go... they should all be charged with obstruction of justice.


Whats WRONG with this picture?

Al Gore agrees with the Canadian government stand on climate change... go figure.

Yet all these people don't like what Baird is saying on Canada's behalf... Make up your minds people... does over paid Al know of what he speaks or not? You hail him, gave him a Nobel prize and an Oscar on this topic so he must, right?

Al Gore...

[...] The United States and China -- the world's leading emitters of greenhouse gases -- will stand accountable before history if they don't take the lead in that global challenge, the former vice president said.

"Without realizing it, we have begun to wage war on the Earth itself," Gore said in his acceptance speech. "Now, we and the Earth's climate are locked in a relationship familiar to war planners: 'Mutually assured destruction.' It is time to make peace with the planet." [...]

Stephen Harper...
[...] “We are concerned about the position of the United States,” Mr. Harper said. “We believe the United States, China and all major emitters should be part of an international protocol to fight climate change. The Minister of the Environment has proposed a successful Canadian model built around fighting depletion of the ozone layer. Canada has made a positive proposal and we are interested in working with other countries to make sure we get a result that includes everyone. [...]

What good is a peace treaty that not all countries sign on to? What good is it if they all agree on it but only some of them are held responsible for keeping the peace and the rest can continue to wage war at will?

Keep up the good fight Harper. If Canadians have to pay the price for this bullshit war, when we produce an insignificant amount of CO2 compared to most other countries, then so does everyone else on this planet!

Or at the least... hold them off a bit longer Harper, while this whole CO2 and AGW thing is proven to be what it is... Wrong and a scam....


Sunday, December 09, 2007

Scrooge Lives On

As if RIAA is not bad enough suing every Tom, Dick and Jane... They are nothing compared to their British cohorts, the PRS...

Charity hit with carol copyright bill

A charity has been hit with a bill ... because children sing Christmas carols on the premises.[...]

Dam House trustee Elaine Hurst said: "We know the recording artists need to be paid for their work but this is ridiculous."

No this is not ridiculous... It is outrageous! I wonder what the actual artists have to say about this?


The Destruction Begins from Within

The Alberta Progresive Conservative Party, falling from the voters grace, will be but a memory just like the Alberta Liberal party 1905 - 1921, United Farmers 1921 - 1935, Social Credit 1935 - 1971. The PC party took the reigns of Alberta in 1971 when with the leadership of Peter Lougheed, they trampled the Social Credit party to the ground. It is now the PC Parties turn to feel the feet of the public trampling them. Some have already clued in to the fate that waits for them. Many more will follow the same path. Its time for change...


Maybe for the first one...

But surely he had a plan and knew exactly what he was doing for the rest...

Pickton guilty on 6 counts of second-degree murder

I could understand one second degree charge, not 6! The other 5 should have been First degree murder... He better get the Max and then face a dangerous offender hearing to keep this psycho behind bars for ever.


First they came for your guns

Then they came for your Drive Thrus!

After reading that one, I recalled an article I read earlier this year. Is George Jonas a prophet?

[...]Note to the Prime Minister: If we let governments continue on their regulatory binges, SWAT teams will be hurtling through our windows to confiscate our prohibited light bulbs and unregistered rolls of toilet paper. A state that doesn't stop at Mr. Rew's door will stop at nothing.

Personally I refuse to sit in a long line up at any drive thru. Yes, even at Timmy's! My time is too valuable. I know it does cause traffic problems in some locations. That is a fact. To point to this as a climate change fighting tool? Give me a break. Some people won't be happy until we are all riding bikes and living in cold damp caves.


Blowed up real good

Canadian troops shut down bomb-making facility

[...]one-day raid by Canadian and Afghan forces, as well as troops from Nepal, ended with the destruction of at least one facility.[...]

Canadian Military, changing the lives of people for the better, one factory at a time.


Mockery Night in Canada

Wayne Gretzky turns down David Suzuki three years ago and Suzuki is still whining!

Add another name to the lefts lists of people on the take from "BIG OIL". Its not just reputable scientists anymore. Rumor has it that Mother Theresa is next...


Saturday, December 08, 2007

Millions Didn't Protest

Canada — Millions of citizens across Canada who could care less if the federal government were to take action on climate change gave Prime Minister Stephen Harper a massive wake-up call today — They stayed home where it was all warm and cozy.

Then there were the usual squeaky left wheels...


Friday, December 07, 2007

Taser investigation

Any changes that might help people get through an airport with less trouble is a good thing. However, the announcement of the time line(windows media link) of the events that took place at Vancouver International Airport, in regards to Robert Dziekanski death begs more questions than it answers.

Why was Robert Dziekanski sweating profusely?

Why is he so confused as to where to go and what to do?

Why did his mother wait for three and a half hours from his arrival time to seek help in finding him?

Why did Robert Dziekanski not respond to the two pages for him made by the customer service agent at the request of his mother?

After checking with customs, where did his mother go? She had to of known his flight had arrived on time and should have been able to find out if he had indeed arrived on that flight.

Why did he get so agitated and not simply seek out help from anyone in the entire 9 hours he was wandering the airport?

Why would anyone think that destroying property and being aggressive is a good way to get attention or help, if that was his intention, especially in an airport in this day and age?

Why, when confronted by 4 police officers would he reach for a stapler he had in his possession, for some strange reason? The same stapler that inevitably cost him his life, as it was no doubt mistaken for a weapon by the RCMP officer(s).

I still can't rap my head around this incident. None of it makes any sense to me at this point. I want answers, as do most level headed thinkers. That does not include those who have jumped to conclusions and are on the "ban the taser" or the "police are corrupt" band wagon.


Make up your minds

Are the liberals for, or against nuclear power? As with most things that come out of the Liberal opposition mind trust... they just don't have a clue on where they stand!

I find it a bit dis-ingenuous that the libs, who were in power for 13 years did not come up with a back up plan for this, and then try to blame this fiasco on the current government that has been cleaning up after them for the past two years. To quote one of their own... "You didn't get it done". That pretty much applies to everything of the past Liberal government.


AGW weeks end round up

In the "no surprise here" category we have...

The Greenest Hypocrites of 2007 Shockingly... Al Gore made the list...

In the "Better luck next time" category we have...

Canada 4th-worst in climate change performance Sorry, but Canada hasn't quite made it to the bottom of the list. Saudi Arabia takes that honor. What I do find very laughable is this...

Meanwhile, China was heralded as a leader on environmental initiatives even though it ranked in the 40th spot.

China? They can't possibly be talking about This China could they?

(UPDATE.... new link for above... it gets better....

In the "OMFG" category we have...

Most of Fiji spared direct hit from big cyclone
The OMFG factor is that it is a weather related article and not even once does it mention global warming or climate change! It's a friggin miracle I tell ya. That or someone is about to be fired for being incompetent...

In the "Mother Nature is a Lousy Shot" category we have...

Quake Jolts Indonesia's Bali
The 5.4-magnitude tremor was centered 150 miles southwest of Bali [...]

I guess this one could have gone under "better Luck next time" but I doubt that there will be a next time. This scam will have run its course before she gets another shot like this one....


Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Show Me the Money!

A petition from at least 215 climate scientists... Who, no doubt, are financed by "Big Governments" not to mention the "BIG UN" to do studies on this matter, need to convince everyone that we need to do more so that they can continue to collect their "BIG Grants"...

The appeal from scientists follows a petition last week from more than 150 global business leaders also demanding the 50-per-cent cut in greenhouse gases.

And those global business leaders need everyone to invest in carbon credits to supplement there "Big Bank accounts"...

Lets not forget about all those poor countries...
Victims of climate change
real and potential, appealed Tuesday for a vast increase in international aid to protect them from and compensate them for rising seas, crop-killing drought and other likely impacts of global warming.[...]

The "Adaptation Fund," being developed under U.N. climate agreements to enable poorer countries to adjust to a warmer world, has thus far drawn a mere $67 million for a task the World Bank estimates will cost tens of billions of dollars a year.

Hypocrites every last one of them!
The UN estimates 42,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide and other pollutants will be pumped into the atmosphere during the 12-day conference in Bali.

Most of it will come from plane flights, but also from waste and electricity used by air conditioners at five-star hotels lining palm-fringed beaches.

If correct, Goodall said, that's equivalent to what a western city of 1.5 million people, like Marseilles, France, would emit in a day. He believes the real figure will be twice that.

Guess all these Nobel Prize winners, government officials and eco freaks have never heard of VIDEO CONFERENCING! But then they would not be having a little Bali holiday if they did that...


Yet Another Injustice in our System

Parole board denies Latimer's bid for partial freedom

The panel said the case was challenging because all of Latimer's psychological and parole reports said he was a low risk to reoffend if he was released into the community — except if he was put into the same situation again.

Does this 3 member board believe in re incarnation? The chances of Latimer re offending are ZERO. How can these people sleep at night? They release truly dangerous people back into society constantly yet they keep this poor man locked away... absolutely sickening... Dr. Dawg says it better than I can, and has a bit more info on this one.


Monday, December 03, 2007

Gibson does Robotic

This ain't your parents Les Paul

I don't know about this one. I think knowing how to tune a guitar is a large part of knowing how to play the guitar. I can see how it would save a lot of time and money for those who constantly use different tunings. One guitar can be preset for several tunings rather than having a couple of guitars pre tuned waiting on the side... Good thing I'm not looking for a new guitar at the moment... Although Christmas is right around the corner...

Dear Santa,
I have been a really really good boy this year.... Honest!


The Schreiber Clause

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Schreiber told CBC News on Monday that he will have so much to say on Tuesday, it'll be "like Christmas" for the committee.

Redux... 12/05/07
You better watch out
You better not pry
You better not shout
He's telling you lies
He'll offer you bribes
I'm telling you why
Shreiber Clause is coming to town

He's checked his notes,
He's checked them twice;
Now remembers who's naughty or nice.
Shreiber Clause is coming to town

He sees you when you're stealing
He knows when you're on the take
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake

O! You better watch out!
You better not pry
Better not shout
He's telling you lies
He'll offer you bribes
I'm telling you why
Shreiber Clause is coming to town
Shreiber Clause is coming to town


Getting a Divorce?

You better be giving it a second thought. There is yet another expense of getting a divorce... best be seeing Al Gore and his buddies about some carbon credits to go with that divorce.

"People have been talking about how to protect the environment and combat climate change, but divorce is an overlooked factor that needs to be considered."

Yes you did read that right or is that left? YOY!


Sunday, December 02, 2007

Eco Freaks Theme Song

My apologies to Mike Altman

Suicide is Shameless

Through early morning smog we see
visions of the things to be
CO2 is the end of society
We realize and we can see...

that suicide is shameless
It brings on climate changes
and we can make a difference if we leave.
We try to find a way to make
a better ecosystem by our fate
with our ever-present human hate
because if we don't it may be too late, and...

The game of life is hard to play
We don't want to win it anyway
The losing card is here today
so this is all we have to say.

The only way to win is cheat
And lay it down before we’re beat
and to nature give our seat
for that's the only non selfish feat.

The heat of time will pierce our skins
It doesn't hurt when it begins
But as it works its way on in
The heat grows stronger... watch it win, but...

Dr. Suzuki has requested of us
to join him on his big climate bus
We did so with out a fuss
And now we do what he says we must

'Cause suicide is shameless
it brings on climate changes
and we can make a difference if we leave.
...and you should do the same thing if you believe....

HT AB Freedom and Dave in the comments