Saturday, May 13, 2006

I'm Back????

Look what the cat...oh wait...I don't have a cat....Dog drug in...

It's alive! Just like the CPoC and PM Harper...very much alive and kicking... work on the house is still on going...funny how once you start it just keeps growing and growing... have fourty projects on thego and not one is finished...nope not even the kitchen from hell. At least the thing is usable and the new dishwasher is installed and working... just need to finish making doors and drawer fronts for a couple the trim work... wall tiles...add some accessories and it will be done...sounds simple enough...hmmm how do they do all this in a half hour on TV and it takes me months? Somethin fishy goin on there me thinks... so now my kitchen is "almost" done...the laundry room is "almost"... the living room is "almost" done.... the two bedrooms are "almost" done....the bathroom is "almost" done the office IS done.... priorities the yard...well lets say it is a lost cause so far...the sod i put in last summer is a large patch of brown...all the rain and fertilizer in the world won't bring it back... the nieghbours cats love my flower gardens and have dug up all the perenials I put in last year...and my faithful companion Roxy has killed the one section of good lawn I did have... The saga continues.... Are we havin fun yet? No seriously.... are we?


Chimera said...

You're back! Yeah, yeah -- I know you already said that, but I have to say it, or it doesn't seem real, hehehe...

Hint to keep neighborhood cats out of your flowers: plant a patch of valerian (enclose it -- it'll run as wild as mint or morning glories if you don't) in the corner of the yard furthest from your garden. Valerian, even more than catnip, is a cat's drug-of-choice.

ABFreedom said...

Hmmmmm ... after reading your post, I'm not sure that your really back ... LOL

Sounds like your still going to have a lot of hammering noise to make.

Candace said...

Hey, welcome back!

Tim said...

Yes..well kinda back... gonna take a little more time outs from the renos before it drives me looney...or is it too late?... not to mention the cash flow is startin to suck...oh least my house is becoming a home... thanks for the advice on the "valerian" for the cat delema... better than the shotgun I was thinkin of...

ABF...I will be posting a little more frequently I think...I need to vent a bit before I Do need to get caught up on the politics before I can say too much though...I'm a little out of touch at the moment... and as far as my photoshopin goes...well...anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks Candace...nice to see you are still at it as well...Dean had mentioned you were takin a breather...thank god it was a short breath you needed...:D