Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Wake up call

Study ranks Canadians second-last on environment

A new study of consumer habits and how they affect the environment has given Canadians a dismal ranking of second-last in a list of 14 countries. [...]

[...] Environment Minister John Baird called the study a "wake-up call," [...]

It is a wake up call alright. Anyone with any common sense will look at this study and go... WTF? Lets take China as an example. How many Chinese citizens can actually afford to own a large home, air conditioning, a vehicle or two, and actually purchase many of their products from large box store type outlets? This study is a joke... And the Chinese have such a great environment... right... moving on...

I love this line from the article...
In total, 29 per cent of Canadians have nine or more rooms in their homes, use insulation and heat their homes -- and rarely choose environmentally friendly heating options. (emphasis mine again)

Again... WTF? LMAO... could you imagine what our heating bills would look like without the use of insulation? What other method other than "heating our homes" would they suggest to keep us all from freezing to death when it is minus 40 celcius without the wind chill? These people are nuts!


Sycorax said...

"would they suggest to keep us all from freezing to death when it is minus 40 celcius without the wind chill?"

That's easy Tim...The LIEberals told us to put on a sweater.

Tim said...

Sweater... hell this year I could have worn my down fill parka and still would have had trouble staying warm without insulation or heat in my house. That little stretch of minus 50 celcius with the wind chill would have reduced the population here in a way every enviroMENTALists would love!