Tuesday, September 26, 2006

House Cleaning

That was fun! Who am I trying to kid? Just spent the last two days cleaning out a worm from my xp machine. (note to self... don't let daughter come over to use computer when I'm not home) Then discovered after cleaning out the cobwebs and moth balls in my ol' blog that quite a few of the links were outdated. They are all now current and working as they should. My humble appologies to the owners of those blogs.

Just did a quick trip through the blogshpere and found that another blog I frequent is packing it in it seems. ABFreedom has too much on the go and says that this coming Friday he will be shutting down his blog. He will be missed by many including myself, of that I am sure.

If you havent already checked out the latest Bloggers Hotstove you really should. Greg, James, Jason and Mike have done a great job on this one. Hat tip to Mike of Rational Reasons for his first appearance as you would have never know it was his first. He did an amazing job (for a dipper that is... Just kidding...). Seriously, this guy is good. He should have his own radio talk show... but then he would have to change to a right winger as everyone knows talk show hosts are all right wing wacco's...

I don't know why, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around politics at the moment. Every time I start to read anything remotely related to politics my eyes glaze over the page gets blurry and a shimmering pool of water appears. Next thing I know I'm looking at the latest and greatest fishing gear available online. Damn I wish I could just aford all them new toys. Ranger sure has brought out some very nice new boats. Shimano has some great new reals and how about the new line of rods that St crioux has?..... Okay...I'm drooling all over my keyboard. Time to shut it down for the night before I do some damage here. No not to my keyboard... my Mastercard!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Mike is a smart dude.....for a dipper.....

Hey, you better sign up for the bloggers hockey pool, there is a link on my sidebar right at the top and we have 8 spots still open...

Tim said...

Yup he is... think he is with the wrong party myself... lol...but thats just me...

Hockey? what is this hockey you speak of? You see... I am not a true Canadian. Hockey is not high on my priority list. Not until the playoffs anyways. The rest is just a bunch of exhibition games as far as I am concerned... lol

But thanks for the invite.