Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Ms Parrish

I was going to leave this one alone until I had the oppertunity to hear Ms Parrish on Charles Adler's talk show today. Today she changed the timing a she says the last "56 years" instead of her original "100 years" as quoted in the Globe and Mail...."I'm totally offended by him. ..... We are also not a country that is going to easily throw away 100 years of peacekeeping reputation and noble reputation in the world by a testosterone-filled general, and I think somebody should put a clamp on his mouth."
56 years.....ok...still she does not know her history..that takes us back to 1949... and by the way...Ms parrish was 3 at this time...1950 to 1953...Korean Conflict...although never called a "war" it most certainly was. 1991...Gulf War...Canadian's were there dropping bombs on Iraq...1999... Kosovo/Serbia...there too were Canadians dropping bombs, doing thier duty...2002... Afghanistan...War on terrorism...Canadian snipers amazed the US troops with thier accuracy... and lest we forget...we lost four of our own on April 17th 2003. Over 116,000 Canadians have fought and died for this country. Ms Parrish, the only "remarks" that are offensive are your own! You are a disgrace to this country, its military, and its people. You are the one who needs her mouth clamped shut! However I doubt there is a clamp big enough for the job.
P.S. Maybe you should study up on your Canadian history before beeking off next time round.

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