Saturday, September 03, 2005

I can't believe it has come down to this

Comparing Katrina to what happened to the world trade centre is ludicrous!

Other than the shock, the horror, and the feeling of total helplessness, there is no way one can compare these two events.

How can anyone compare a couple of buildings, regardless of there size, to entire cities being whiped out?

When the planes hit the towers, most of New York still had power. They still had water safe to drink. They could go to the store and buy their groceries. They could watch the news on TV. Most of them could go to their jobs the next day. They did not have people shooting at them for no reason. They for the most part could go on with their lives somewhat normal.

New Orleans on the other hand is gone. There is nothing there for anyone at the moment or in the near future. No water, no food, no work, no power, NOTHING!

The immidiate responce to the World Trade Centers was due only to the fact that there was still a city and personel there to react.

New Orleans on the other hand, had to wait for the help to come from a distance. This help had to battle the debris covering the roadways. The airports were out of service, so that was not an option. The majority of the city was and is flooded making it difficult to get around. Not to mention the sad, very sick individuals who seem to think shooting at the people trying to help them is the thing to do.

New York had no advanced warning. They had no way of knowing what was about to happen.

The people in the path of Katrina had several days notice and fortunately most were able to get out before it hit with all its destruction. Unfortunately not everyone was able to. How can anyone "plan" on moving over 1 million people in less than a week? We are not talking about all able bodied people here. Just think in your own city alone. How could you evacuate just one major hospital? Where would you put all the people? How could you continue to give them the care they need? Now consider all the hospitals, senior homes, extended cares, the homeless and those less fortunate that have no means to go anywhere. No city, no state, no province, no country for that matter, has the capabilities to perform such a feat in such little time. And this is only taking one of the cities hit into concideration. New Orleans was not the only place hit. Granted it is the worst off of those affected. Three states were affected and many cities and towns.

And now... the racism card is being played. This not the time for politics or name calling. It is not a time to divide the country. This is the time for all people to come together as they did for New York. It is time to put the "human" in "humanity". There is no black or white, at the moment everything is shades of grey. Leave the politics out of it, it serves no purpose in times as these.


DazzlinDino said...

Ah, I see you have been to Cathys site as well, nuts eh?

Tim said...

Actually, no I havent, but I will now, just to see what it is you are talking about. This was written as I watched the MSM on TV.