Saturday, December 03, 2005

Paul Martin's New Flag

Paul Martin Loves Canada. Yet CSL continues to fly foriegn flags of convience on their ships. Therefore they also do not pay their fair share of taxes in Canada. Ya ya... I know legaly, Paul does not control the company. But you would think that he would have some pull with his own kids would you not? Optics are eveything, and even trifocals won't clear this one up. So to help Martin out I have created a new flag for him and his family. At least it acknowledges that there is a Canada and not just in the name. They could always reject this flag and choose to fly the Canadian flag. Highly unlikely though as that would cut into the profits of the company. You know, the Millions in "CANADIAN" contracts that the company received.

Stephen Harper:

"All Canadians love their country, and sometimes show it by waving a flag - the flag of Canada, not Liberia or Barbados, and they pay their taxes, whether they want to or not, in Canada."


Christian Conservative said...

Anyone able to snap a shot of a CSL ship with another flag?

Tim said...

It is no secret that CSL flyes flags of convenience to avoid taxes in Canada. Here is just one article the CBC did on this topic.

or a google search to get more,GGLG:2005-41,GGLG:en&q=CSL+flags+of+convenience&spell=1