Sunday, April 13, 2008

Back to the cave

I was perusing youtube and found this little blues ditty. I believe it is the new theme song for environMENTALists.

Funny part is. If it ever came about, those same environMENTALists would never survive. They would have no idea where to get their food as all the grocery stores would be gone.


ABFreedom said...

Yup..... and this time we'll have to make sure none of the LIEberals and enviroMENTALists survive...

Lone Pony said...

Some group is always trying to cry the sky is falling.

I think it's cute how both you and AB make these special words out of other words! LOL

Tim said...

They will do that just fine on their own! They have no survival skills once there is no tax money to support them and their ways...

Tim said...

Henny Penny never taught these folks a thing obviously...
Cute? You couldn't find a more masculine description?...WTF?.... lol