Monday, December 05, 2005

Liberal Daycare

Our parents voted Liberal, now look where we are. They call this daycare?


Sycorax said...

"Liberal Training Centre"... Hummmm... isn't that what universities are?

Tim said...

Thanks Anon

You are correct sycorax, however the Fibs..(Federal Liberal's)figure it is better to start them off at a much younger age. Get them before their minds are corrupted by us dastly conservative types you know.

Nastyboy said...

New Fib election slogan,

"Not only will we over-tax parents to the point where they both have to work, we'll raise those pesky kids for you too."

Yep, got my vote.

ABFreedom said...

Hmmm .. where's the little commie uniforms for the kids?

Great post... says it all ..