Wednesday, October 04, 2006

What would happen if?

After spending a few minutes over at BPOC and then ranting in his comments, I came up with a thought. Not sure it was a good thought, but a thought none the less. So here it goes.... a bunch of what if's for your enjoyment......or not.....

What would the happen if someone started up WET "White Entertainment Television" ala BET, the "Black Entertainment Television"? Would it be totally acceptable or would it be attacked and considered racist?

What would happen if someone started up an annual "Straight" Pride Day complete with parades? Would Mayors and other politicians be expected to endorse and participate in it if they are not straight?

What would happen if a girl wanted to go to an all boys school or vice versa? Would the courts rule that it must be allowed in light of past decisions? Boy Scouts, Sports ect... Speaking of which...why did the "Boy Scouts" have to change their name to "Scouts" and allow girls yet "Girl Guides" is still "Girl Guides" and boys are not allowed to join? Double standard?

What would happen if 30 girls tried out for the boys team and due to this all the boys who tried out were cut as they were not as good as the girls... would it still be the "boys" team? Or vice versa for that matter?

What would happen if someone started up "FADD" Fathers Against Drunk Driving would the folks at"MADD" Mothers Against Drunk Driving be upset? Maybe they would just join forces and become "PADD" Parents Against Drunk Driving which to me makes more sense. I know as a parent myself and being a Father, I care about this issue just as much as any Mother. Maybe that is wrong too? Maybe "PADD" should stand for People Against Drunk Driving as I know many people who are not parents that are just as concerned as parents are.

What would happen if everyone was "truly" equal? No poor, no rich, no strong, no weak, ect ect ect..... would we not all then be just mediocre? If so, who would invent new technologies and the like....who would start businesses for these mediocre people to work at? Who would make the tough decisions? Who would run the governments? Would we all then have to be the same color? What color? Would we have to be hermaphrodite so there is no differences between the sexs? Would everyone have the same color hair and eyes? Would we all be clones and look exactly the same?

And now for the biggy........

What would happen if there were no conservatives? Would everything eventually be "free" and paid for by the government? What would the tax rate be to support that and if everything is "free".....why work and pay taxes?


Anonymous said...

I believe they call that Marxism don't

DazzlinDino said...

Oh wait, I know, how about a Caucasian only scholarship fund...

Tim said...

Thats another one I'm sure would fly well.........not!