Saturday, May 05, 2007

"Neither rain nor hail nor sleet nor snow nor wind nor heat of day nor dark of night ...

shall stop your mail from getting through. Having a cat just may do the trick though. Only the Shadow knows....

Canada Post is refusing to deliver a Winnipeg man's mail because the corporation says his house cat is aggressive and threatening the letter carrier.

They come up with the most amazing excuses not to do their jobs. A hedge thats too low, a step thats too high, social issues, Unsafe mailbox, just to name a few.


Chimera said...

Not just any ol' cat, either, but a declawed cat!

Candace said...

Yup. Declawed cats are the most vicious and dangerous. Yup.

Tim said...

It may be declawed but, it is a black cat, and you know what happens when one of those crosses your path.... they are evil! Dangerously evil!

ABFreedom said...

Un friggin believable... I move we ban cats, steps, and hedges. Wonder if Gore's up to promoting it?