Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Prize! or is that Prise?

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I no longer have an excuse not to get the renovations done to my house that I have been putting off for the longest time. Thanks to Zorpheous, I now have enough "round tuits" to keep me busy for some time. 20 of them to be exact. He even personized them from items on my blog. Not at all what I had expected from the founder of the Wingnuterer. I am however a little confused why he included two round tuits with his site on them. Does he think he can cash these in and have me do some chores around the squirelly house? I think not!

I am impressed and will display them proudly in my office at home as well as at work. Thanks Zorph!


Zorpheous said...

Well I figured you could use the 20 TABaker tuits to promote your site when you see other bloggers, friends, co-workers. I also included the two Wingnuterer tuits just so you would have the offical Round TUIT of the Canadian Blogosphere.

I'm glad you like them, use them wisely. Next, I'm trying to invent some of those 36 hour days we all need to get caught up on our choirs, LOL ;-)

Mark Richard Francis said...

Regarding sending those to you, I see Zorph finally got around to it.

I have some TUITs as well. After I got them, I started renovating my kitchen, bathroom and one bedroom.

Since you have 20 of them, I expect you to get very busy!

Zorpheous said...

See they work, Mark is living proof. Now if you would give one to Nat, she could get around tuit and pop already.

Candace said...

I wonder if Zorph can do special orders for Christmas?

Tim said...

Maybe if you ask the squirel really really nicely he would... I hear he is a pushover for blondes.

Zorpheous said...

Candace, for you, just because you'r ckick from Planet X, sure! You just need to let me know what you want the TUIT. Tim had a really nice and cool wolf graphic and he had a few neat sayings for the outer ring. Think about it and let me know.

DazzlinDino said...

Tim gave me a couple, couldn't help but notice MY site wasn't on any TUITs.....

Zorpheous said...

Oh I have a special TUIT just for Dazz, yes very special, muhahahahaha

DazzlinDino said...

lol....why does that worry me....

Tim said...

be afraid.....very very afraid......

Zorpheous said...

I'll try to have a few of the TUIT designs up on Monday evening or Tuesday morning. Makes a great CPC Election Victory Present,... LOL

Tim said...

CPC? I'm voting BPOC in the next election! Thats where the real reform is. Dino for PM!!!!!

Zorpheous said...

Shit, if you can Dino to Run, I'd vote for him