Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Wingnuterer Prize

The new phone book is here! The new phone book is here!
Oh wait, it's just the mailman with a package from Zorph.

Hmmmmm wonder whats in it? Must be careful, it maybe "ICED". 6" X 9" shipping envilope. Amazingly enough no spelling mistakes and it arrived at proper destination. Hmmmmmm a white/recycled doccument about "Trojans".... get your minds out of the gutter. Its from "Symantec security responce". Looks like someone got a virus? Anyways...

Whats wrapped inside this trojan?

I'm not tellin... not just yet anyways... stay tuned to find out more about the "prize" from the first ever WINGNUTERER contest... :P


DazzlinDino said...

Personaly, I woulda had it X-rayed before I opened it, never trust a dipper.....

Zorpheous said...

Such a lack of trust, boo hoo hoo

Zorpheous said...

Damn, got the wrong avatar, Lord Bump is obviously playing around with profile. Damn squirrel.

Hear me Bump, "Squirrel Stew"

Tim said...

So many personalities. Must be hard to keep track of them all.

The reason I had to wait to post what it was ...well as Dino said... cant be too careful.

There are terrorists. I see them everywhere.

Had to get the hamat team in to check out the package and its contents. I do seem to have a bit of a soar throat now, hmmmmmmmm did they miss something?

Anonymous said...

That dog. Shoot the son of a bitch.