Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Property Rights

Martin claims that Mr. Harpers view on property rights came out of nowhere. Unlike his "not withstanding clause" announcement last night I suppose. Does Martin think giving Canadians property rights is a bad thing? I know my "values" tell me that property rights are well over due in this country. Obviously Martin has no clue on a lot of Canadians "Values". I "value" my property and I don't like the fact that Martin seems to think that what I have purchased with the little money I have left after all the taxes I pay does not belong to me! He thinks that all of my property should belong to everyone.... everyone in the government that is! Just one more reason to toss him out on his sorry, tired ass.

1 comment:

ABFreedom said...

Well, I think your just being totally unCanadain. After all there is only one Canada, and that's a LIEberal Canada /sarc ...... lol