Monday, January 09, 2006

Timbits on the Debate

Martin Lies on national debate... Gomery found the liberals completey innocent? Since when? If this is the case why did the liberal party say they were paying back 1.14 million dollars? I'm stlill trying to figure out where that amount came from.....

Martin wants to remove the "not withstanding clause"

Martin proposes to "study" an ethics policy....

Martin in favor of a two tier health system as long as it does not recieve any funding from government.

Is it just me or did Martins facial expression remind you of a bunch of bored kids in a daycare?

What a look Martin got from Duccepe when talking about the case program vote...Like "what planet is he on?" You would almost think Duccepe thought MARTIN IS FULL OF SHIT!

(Duccepe)Forget about partisan politics...just do whats best for Quebec....

Martin looking into equalization....

(Martin) Quebecer's built this land....?????????

What a joke... Martin and Duccepe doing the unity dance....

Martin admits the priminister has extreme power!

Layton claim Quebec's daycare system is what should be across Canada.... Hmmmm a dept ridden system is what we need?

Layton is starting to look and sound like an insurance salesman.... or perhaps a used car salesman?

(Martin)To cancell the childcare program would be "criminal" Nice bait and switch Martin.. Won't work!

Martin brings up the "fend for yourself" line again.... Maybe he should read Canadianna's POST!

Now that it is over... the moderator..what ever his name is...did a horendous job...

Duccepe did very well as usual all things considered...

Martin... well... I am severly biast and felt he did very poorly.. he looked tired and he still needs some acting lessons as nothing he said in his rants were believable.... his hand jestors drove me nuts as did his childish eye rolling and constant face making...

Layton... Did a good job of emphasizing the NDP way.. to bad it will not help him garner any more votes.. he missed his chance to get more of the soft liberal support by pouncng on Martin more and Harper less.....

Harper.... Was not as strong as I would have hoped... he did get a few good shots at Martin as was expected... He did a fairly good job of clairifying some of the parties policies

No clear winner as far as I am concerned.... its still up for grabs....


ABFreedom said...

Kind of feel the same way, but did think Martin flared up defensively a few times. That statement:
"Quebecer's built this land"

really got me .... guess I don't belong here anymore, and I was just here out of the goodness of Quebecs heart ... sheeeesh ... what a dumb ass ...

Tim said...

between that and the "gun collectors" comment.... Martin is a total loon...get out the nets... extreme long sleved shirt...he has gone over the edge....weeeeeeeeee

Mr. Pauly Mac said...

The moderator was fine. Each leader got a cheap shot from him. The best one was reserved for Jack!

"Sorry to leave you out of this question, but you've never said you wanted to be the Prime Minister."

That's what you call "gold".

Candace said...

Harper didn't have to win; he had to not f*ck up; ergo, he won. Martin was the one that needed to be seen as a clear winner, and even Craig Oliver couldn't go there.

Nastyboy said...

I had a nightmare last night. PMPM was chasing me repeating the word "fundamentally" over and over.

DazzlinDino said...

Layton IS NOT a car salesman, I picture him more of a Game Show Host type....