Monday, March 03, 2008

Shock and ummmm SHOCK!

I didn't see this one coming... So much for the "CHANGE" campaigns...

Updated... 3/4/08

Seats won.........popular vote

PC... 73 72 ................. 53%

Lib... 8 9................. 26%

NDP... 2 .................. 9%

Other .................. 12%

Only 41% of eligible Albertan's felt it important enough to get off their asses and vote. 59% have no right to complain about the government that they had handed to them.

Which begs the question statement...
Bye bye Kevin, Brian and this one hurts... Paul. You can now join Stephane Dion in the "we are not leader's" bin.


ABFreedom said...

Sure sends a message to the left side of the spectrum... As for WAP, and 7% of the vote, I'll give them a bit of a pass being only a 1 month old party. They were NOT ready for this one at all.....

Tim said...

I will agree although Paul losing his seat to the PC's does not fair well for the party. They do however have at least 4 years to get ready for the next one. Heres hoping....

Candace said...

I wasn't all that impressed with Paul, so hope that there's a leadership review and the party cleans up their policies & act so as to be a viable option next time around.

Tim said...

I thought Paul did well in the debate. I have no qualms with him personally. As AB pointed out, for a NEW party, 7% is not so bad. They simply did not have time to get their act together in time for this one.