Monday, January 16, 2006

The Liberal Campaign


Tim said...

Sorry had to be done.... it just works ....

ABFreedom said...

You put Chretien in da American uniform.... dems be fightin words dar Tim ... lol

ABFreedom said...

LOL ... now how the hell did your comment get above mine? .... you reading my mind and answering before I submit the comment .... that's pretty friggen rude ... LOL

Tim said...

lol... I have no idea how that happened... I did my responce a few minutes after you posted.... I'll blame liberal trolls......

DazzlinDino said...

It's a Liberal plot to control the internet.....

SpaceNeedleBoy said...

The Liberal Party is so broke - and behind on paying their bills to vendors (i.e. ad agencies, TV stations, et al) - the mafia is probably gonna be called in to collect directly from the newly-booted Liberal MPs.

Think about it: with access to the government pork barrel spigot turned off, where will the Liberal Party raise the dough to pay off invoices from the 2006 campaign? They came into the campaign with a huge Party debt load.....

Sycorax said...

SNB... You said "the mafia is probably gonna be called in..." Do you mean Jean "Da Boss"? 'cuz that would be funnier than hell! A wrinkly old man kickin' the crap out of another wrinkly old man!

Candace said...

PMPM. Kneecapped at the polls. I like it.