Saturday, February 03, 2007

IPCC Take Four

Caution this post may offend some readers. Contains foul language not suitable for some. Consider yourselves warned!

I have had it to hear(imagine me holding my hand way above my head) with all the crap of Kyoto and climate change... I am officially suffering from something we humans are famous for. Apathy, Once you hear things too many times you tend to get tired of it and just want it to STOP! I have reached that point on this topic. If I hear one more bullshit doom and gloom story of the impending destruction of the earth and all the life on it, I'm going to explode!

Yes that's right people, I'm a Flat Earther, Human Caused Climate Change Denier, a skeptic or whatever name you want to call me and I just don't give a shit any more. You know why? Cause I'm an ASSHOLE!

Thank you to all the politicians of the country who have thought it better to argue about who is greener and act like little children rather than actually doing something about the problem of polution. You have another convert. Come next election, I will piss my vote away or more than likely just won't bother to vote at all. NONE of you deserve my support or vote. I would also like to thank all those in the MSM for their biased unprofesional reporting on this topic.


Chimera said...

"I use public toilets and I piss on the seat."

That was you? Gee, thanks, guy! 8D

Tim said...

That was me... and I ain't gonna apologise either... maybe a socialist government could make it mandatory that all washrooms have disposable sanitary toilet seat covers to protect its citizens...

Anonymous said...

MSM biased? ... they'll never admit to that ... isn't CBC number one with their 3% market share?

If I was incoherent, it was because their was some queer teacher on O'Reilly throwing my thought process off... had to hurl in between words...