Sunday, November 13, 2005

Alberta-Canada Nut

I try very hard to keep things civilized here. But there comes a time when even I have to let loose and vent. This person plans on running in the next provincial election for the Alberta Liberals. Is this the sort of person you want representing you? I can't help but wonder what Mr. Taft would have to say after reading this persons blog and the crap that he spews?

According to Werner:

If you are a member or a supporter of the CPC you are against Canada, a rascist, a bigot, a nazi, a reject, homophobic, extremist nutjob and spew smut. I am surprized he did not mention religous fanatics..... maybe thats in his next post?

A few quotes from one of his latest creations:

"The problem is, however, that you, in the rest of Canada, only get to see the rejects of our province (Harper, Solberg, ...), and you start drawing conclusions about the rest of us."

"But then came along the extremists of the Reform/Alliance party, complete with racist, anti-gay, etc. views, and they managed to destroy the PC Party."

"This party does not represent old-style Canadian conservatism, but right-wing rhetoric of the worst kind, thought up by some extremist nutjobs from Alberta."

"We cannot tolerate any racist or bigotted attacks on thousands and thousands of decent Canadians. But this is exactly what's been happening now, and it would get even worse if the CPC were elected."

"Vote for the Liberal Party and put a stop to that smut that is coming out of the CPC on a regular basis."

"Paris has had its share of civil unrest recently. We would see that too if the CPC were elected. With their repeated attacks on non-whites, gays, and essentially anyone who is not a "born Canadian", conflicts would increase dramatically, and then we too would have our own "Paris fires"."

"Keep in mind, though, that a vote for the CPC is a vote against Canada."

A picture is worth a thousand words. So here are four thousand.

Had to bring in the BIG equipment to deal with all the crap being spewed over there.

I do feel a little sorry for this post as he knows not what he does, as the x-rays show.

Finally a little help to resolve his problem.


Rebekah said...

Just wanted to let you know: my blog readers and I have come to a decision - our counter to the Liberal movement to "wear black" and "wear red" on Fridays "until our troops come home", will be "Operation Green shirt/ Yellow ribbon".

On Fridays, to show our support for the troops AND their mission, we will wear green, and to show our hope for them to come home safe, soon, and victorious, we will also wear a yellow ribbon on our lapel or around our wrists.(pictures at my site soon) Please spread the word any way you can! Thanks in advance.

DazzlinDino said...

Good idea Rebekah....

Tim, I do believe this blog deserves a visit....

Tim said...

Already checked it out yesterday. You are a day behind my usuall.... ;P

DazzlinDino said...

Where are you tonight, your missing all the Anonalogue fun at the Blahg.....

Candace said...

back on topic *cough*

I thought you'd hit the bull's eye with the first three, but...



Tim said...

Yes, shitbegone... and it is even two ply.... :)