Thursday, November 09, 2006

Canadian Injustice System

Didn't make your bed... stern warning. Came home later than told... No X box for a week. Take the car without permission.... grounded for a month. Went to a party and killed a young man... grounded for two years. What kind of message does this send out. None what so ever that will ever deter anyone else from doing the same. This my friends is a joke, no, a travesty!

After court, the trio went to the courthouse cafeteria with their families, then grinned and chatted amongst themselves as they waited to sign papers.

Of course they did, they just got away scott free for committing a irrehensible crime. The Canadian injustice system at its finest.


Anonymous said...

Sheeesh ... I'm to choked to comment... makes ya wanna go out and ..... uh ... uh ... protest a judge ... have to keep my real thoughts off the page...

Tim said...

I hear ya man...I soooooo hear ya... These judges need to be held accountable for this kind of crap!