Sunday, November 12, 2006


Yup thats right. Nothin'. I can't for the life of me come up with anything to write or even do a silly picture about. Total brain deadness. I know this does not come as a surprize to some of you. Some might even wonder how I manage to do some of my posts at all. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day. Hopefully something will get my attention, piss me off or spark some artistic behavior. Til then, have a great evening.


Anonymous said...

MSM bias always pisses me off, so i tend to look in that direction when I can't think. Either that, or something totally stupid and off the wall. .... Rum and coke helps when it's cold out too ... LOL

Tim said...

MSM bias? You mean they twist the news to suit their way of thinking? Go on...thats so socialist even comunist. We would never have such a thing here in Canada, Our home on native lands. Hmmm I'm having a wierd Al moment...think there could be a song there....thanks again ABF....lmao

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Natives, kind of heard a couple of Chiefs arguing on the radio today. We could be headed for an Indian uprising again .. better start pushing for a few more billion before they get wound up.

Tim said...

I was listening to that myself. Had a good chuckle when the one said that non natives recieve more from the government than do natives. His examples made me lmao...

DazzlinDino said...

Oh, by the way, thanks for telling me how much pnemonia hurts......kill me....

Tim said...

Poor Dazz.... Just found out about it this morning from your sidekick. Hea! Wait til ya cough so hard that ya crack a rib or two...then you will know how much pnemonia hurts! Been there done that! I am very prone to pnemonia for some reason. Have had several times in my life. Only hospitalized once for it though thank goodness. Get well soon...its too quiet at work!