Thursday, November 09, 2006

Give credit where credit is due

Although I truely wish this was King Ralphs work,

"And I wasn't surprised she crossed over - I don't think she ever did have a Conservative bone in her body. Well, except for one. Well, speaking of Peter MacKay."

It turns out that Klien stole the line from none other than Belinda's current male friend, Tie Domi! Explanation is here for your reading enjoyment.

"Liberal MP Belinda Stronach says a sexually charged comment by Alberta Premier Ralph Klein about her past relationship with Peter MacKay is exactly the kind of remark that puts women off entering politics."

It obviously did not put her off from letting Tie enter though. Funny how these things turn about.

H/T to Eternalee for the story line and Dust my Broom for the video link.


Anonymous said...

Yes... but man didi it get media attention when he said it.... LOL

Tim said...

Obviously not ABF... or it would be brought up a wee bit more along with the current incarnation. And why I find it humorous that BS is even remarking about the statement to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Are we hooked on GREEN? Lov ya Tim! ;)