Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Baby Boomer's, Failures as Parents

Yes, it is true. The baby boomer's have created more "problem children" than parents of 50 years ago. We are bad and I don't mean that in a good way.

Problem behaviours include acts that hurt others, such as being disruptive, aggressive or delinquent.

The behaviours range from lying and running away, to fighting and bullying, theft and vandalism.

In other words we have raised a generation or two or three or... of spoiled brats. That spare the rod and spoil the child theory worked really well now didn't it. You worked more hours to put a nice fancy roof over the head of the ungrateful little buggers. You worked weekends to pay for all them damn toys you wish you could of had when you were a kid and this is how they repay you. You would have been far better off working your normal 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and then spending all that free time with the kids under a little bit smaller roof with less of those toys. Just like the good old days. Hind sight is 20/20 after all.


ABFreedom said...

Can't argue with that one, but if we didn't have to work LONG hours to pay our TAXES to support an IDIOTIC government, it might be a little different.

Tim said...

seems to me you are thinking wrong AB... the more OT one works the more the IDIOTS take...

ABFreedom said...

Don't really have a choice.... can't get employee's ...aaaaaaaaahhhh! ... talk about a viscous circle .. :-(

Only thing we've been doing is turning away all new work to try and ease it up a bit.

Tim said...

Sounds just like my comment on your site doesn't it? And you want lower taxes....huh!...lol