Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Comparing Apples to Apples

Well I don't know about you but I sure am glad that they have cleared this one up. A study out of the University of Alberta shows that buying organic food products will not save the planet. Surprisingly(sarc) it takes the same amount of energy to produce and ship the organic product as it does non organic product. I am shocked I tell you, SHOCKED! Thank god for higher education.


ABFreedom said...

That's it.... I'm going to commission a study to find out if a female tick bites different then a male tick, and if it hurts by the same amount proportional to the mouth size ....... what a waste of bloody money... all they had to do was ask ...grrrrrrrrrr

Tim said...

I can only wonder how much of a government grant they received for this?

Don't you be giving them educated types any idea's. They waste enough money as it is!

Candace said...

If people are so hung up on organic food, why don't they just plant a garden?

Tim said...

That don't work too good come winter Candace, unless you have a heated green house! Not to mention its too much like work for most people... including me!

Anonymous said...

Umm, it does NOT take the same amount of energy to produce and ship organic food as chemically produced food! The impact of using fertilizers and pesticides in conventionally produced foods, and their detrimental effects in terms of contaminated groundwater, lake sedimentation, and other costs which is passed on to the consumer but is NOT reflected in the market price of produce means that organic food makes much less of an impact on the environment than its conventionally produced counterpart.

No one said transporting organic produce made absolutely no environmental impact -- just, that when taking ALL negative environmental factors into consideration, organic still comes out WAY ahead. This "study" is really misleading. I wonder who funded it......

Tim said...

"This "study" is really misleading. I wonder who funded it......"

A misleading study? Get out of town? You mean like the majority of studies are? Funny how the results of "studies" always seem to be swayed by the ones footing the bill or have an agenda that they wish to push....

I'll bet you that Big Oil Co. is behind this one. It is from Alberta after all and we know how evil us Albertan's are backed by the Big Oil Co.