Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It's all Greek to me

Ah yes, the house of comedy is back sitting and as per usual, they are all acting like an out of control daycare centre. Can we ever expect to have any kind of civility from our government officials again? It is rather tiring...

Harper accused of insulting 'entire Greek community'

Harper said...

"The Bloc member mentioned two people who are of Greek origin, one who was an employee here in Ottawa, another one who was a supporter of the Conservative party of Montreal.

"The fact there are two Montreal gentleman of Greek origin doesn't mean there's a conspiracy here," Harper said in French.

Ummmmmm call me confused... where is the supposed insult here to "the entire Greek community"? I don't get it. Have I missed something here? Someone please enlighten me...


Hell is for children

By Pat Benatar:

They cry in the dark, so you cant see their tears
They hide in the light, so you cant see their fears
Forgive and forget, all the while
Love and pain become one and the same
In the eyes of a wounded child
Because hell
Hell is for children
And you know that their little lives can become such a mess
Hell is for children
And you shouldn't have to pay for your love with your bones and your flesh

Its all so confusing, this brutal abusing
They blacken your eyes, and then apologize
Youre daddys good girl, and dont tell mommy a thing
Be a good little boy, and youll get a new toy
Tell grandma you fell off the swing

Because hell
Hell is for children
And you know that their little lives can become such a mess
Hell is for children
And you shouldnt have to pay for your love with your bones and your flesh

No, hell is for children

Hell is for hell
Hell is for hell
Hell is for children

Hell is for hell
Hell is for hell
Hell is for children

Hell is for hell
Hell is for hell
Hell is for children

Hell is for children
Hell is for children

Calgary police and social services are investigating after one-year-old twins were left in a locked SUV in -20 C temperatures for at least half an hour.

Abandoned baby found in Toronto parking garage

Freezing deaths of 2 girls shock Sask. community

There are no excuses....


Pissing off enviroMENTALists, 200,000 barrels at a time

Suncor approves $20.6-billion oil sands expansion

Suncor Energy Inc. said Wednesday it will spend $20.6-billion on an expansion scheme that will make it the biggest producer in the oil sands of northern Alberta.

Suncor's board of directors gave the go-ahead for the Voyageur project, a 200,000 barrel-a-day expansion of the company's already massive oil sands operations near Fort McMurray. Voyageur will boost output to 550,000 barrels a day when complete in 2012. [...]

The project is the latest of more than $100-billion worth of plans to tap the oil sands to feed demand from U.S. refiners for Canadian oil. [...]

Production from the northern Alberta oil sands, the largest oil reserves outside of the Middle East, is expected to nearly triple to three million barrels a day by 2015. [...]

No recession here folks... nor for some time by the looks of it. Now if only we could get some living accommodations for all the people that we need to fill all the positions available. Alberta's new motto should be... "If you build it, they will come"


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Reversing the hands of time

Toronto trustees narrowly approve black school

Angela Wilson, a community member who brought the proposal forward added:

“It's a bittersweet thing because it should have happened a long time ago and it shouldn't have brought all this pain back to our black community.”

Someone should inform Angela Wilson that it did happen a long time ago. It was called segregation. It did not work then and is unlikely to work now.

Brown v. Board of Education
The U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas heard Brown's case from June 25-26, 1951. One of the expert witnesses, Dr. Hugh W. Speer, testified that:
"...if the colored children are denied the experience in school of associating with white children, who represent 90 percent of our national society in which these colored children must live, then the colored child's curriculum is being greatly curtailed. [...]

Linda Brown Thompson later recalled the experience in a 2004 PBS documentary:
... well. like I say, we lived in an integrated neighborhood and I had all of these playmates of different nationalities. And so when I found out that day that I might be able to go to their school, I was just thrilled, you know. And I remember walking over to Sumner school with my dad that day and going up the steps of the school and the school looked so big to a smaller child. And I remember going inside and my dad spoke with someone and then he went into the inner office with the principal and they left me sit outside with the secretary. And while he was in the inner office, I could hear voices and hear his voice raised, you know, as the conversation went on. And then he immediately came out of the office, took me by the hand and we walked home from the school. I just couldn't understand what was happening because I was so sure that I was going to go to school with Mona and Guinevere, Wanda, and all of my playmates.

Apparently Angela Wilson, unlike Linda Brown Thompson, does not want the black community of Toronto to experience what it is to live in a multicultural society. It is too painful.

This just like religion based schooling, has no place in publicly funded education. It should be the sole realm of privately funded schools. For those of you about to rant... I personally include Catholic schools in this theory. They have already been enshrined in our charter so to harp on this one is a mute point.

The only questions I have left are... How many Angela Wilson's are there in Toronto and how many will enroll their children in this school? Hopefully not many...


Paging Al Gore, Paging Al Gore

China and western Canada would like a word with you. And they are not going to be nice words!

-54C with the wind chill in Edmonton... This is not a joke...
On my drive home from work, in my still frozen vehicle, even though I had started it 45 minutes prior to leaving work, I was listening to 630 CHED as they interviewed a lady from Cliffs Towing. At that time, around 5 pm MST, if you were to call for a tow truck there were 150 people ahead of you already waiting. Even tow trucks were waiting for tow trucks. Basically you were shit out of luck. One of the calls they received today was to free a tractor trailer who's tires had frozen to bare pavement and could not move. Apparently the extremely cold pavement liked the heat of the tires so much it did not want to let them leave...

I really don't want to play this game anymore. Three days of this has been plenty thanks. Someone please bring us the global warming we were promised.


The CBC is not biased at all

But I am...
This hour has 22 minutes "on the road"...

"Yes, we're going on the road. Send us an email telling us why we should AVOID your town. Are the people unfriendly? Or too friendly? Does it have an unpleasant smell? Does it have a raccoon population of 250,000 per square kilometer (we're looking at you Toronto.) To tell us why we shouldn't come to your home town, send an email to"

My email...
I would suggest you stay out of Alberta completely. Way too many conservatives for even the CBC to handle. After watching your "is CBC biased" episodes, I would guess that your staff would be linched up in a matter of minutes apon crossing the border. If you are lucky they won't tie you to the balls on the back of a pick up truck and drag you all over the province to show off the fine liberal catch they have managed to bag. Perhaps if you are lucky, they will just tie you to the hood of the station wagon like a big buck. You know us redneck conservatives in Alberta don't have a sense of humor at all don't you? We take this sort of thing very very seriously.

Don't forget to buy megatons of carbon credits to offset all the hot air that comes out of the CBC. You must do your part to save the poor polar bears! You know the oil loving conservative Albertans won't...

Love Timmy

Your tax dollars hard at work...


Monday, January 28, 2008

This must be "a joke" too

Abu Dhabi is planning to construct the world's largest carbon capture and storage project, as part of the oil-rich emirate's $15-billion (U.S.) bid to become a leader in clean technology and renewable energy. [...]

Alberta emissions plan draws flak

Lindsay Telfer, head of the Sierra Club Canada's Prairie Chapter, called the plan "a joke"

I won't hold my breath while I wait to hear all the "flak" from the enviroMentalists over the Abu Dhabi plan...



Just as a new poll comes out suggesting that the Liberals are ahead, Cherniak finds his souvenir Jean Chretien balls...

The question that remains is, can Dion find his?

I have my doubts...


Cold enough for ya?

I wish that these protestors would come here and "turn up the heat outside". As I write this, it is currently -31 C, -41 C with the wind chill. That is better than the -47 C with wind chill that we woke up to this morning. It was much colder further north in the province. Fortunately, after we get through tomorrows -38 C morning, it starts to warm up a bit.

This frigid weather brings with it a bit of good news for the forestry industry in Alberta. It may do the job of killing off a good portion of the pine beetle that Dalton McGuinty seems so frantic about in the above link regarding the premiers climate change meeting in BC.

In somewhat related news...

Canada has ranked 12 in the 2008 Environmental Performance Index. That is a drop of 4 places from the last one in 2006(PDF). Now before all you lefties go off on some kind of tantrum yelling at Harper and his gang of thugs for this drop, take a look at the numbers. Canada's over all score was actually higher this year. In 2006 Canada scored 84 where as in 2008 we scored 86.6. The part that makes me scratch my head is Norway's move from 18(80.2)in 2006 to 2(93) on the 2008 list. Why you might ask... It is quite simple if you happened to read my post here regarding Norways rise in CO2 levels by 80% from 1990 levels. Yet in this "index" they give Norway a 92.7 and Canada a 69.3 mark for climate change policy. This again proves how the system works. They do not base anything on how well those policies are working, just how good they look on paper. No wonder the environMentals love the Liberals. They know how to write policies that look good but do little if any good in the real world.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

A dedication to Hillary Clinton

She saw her reflection in the White House mirrors
till the landslide brought her down.

And now a video from the lady who was truly robbed last year. I give you Dilana, performing Landslide. Accompanied by Magni on guitar...


Can you see a difference?

Ten years of SUCKING up, and they have truly become ONE fine couple...


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Lorrie GOLDstein

How sweet it is...

Sharia Green

HT to Joanne's Journey


Gender Equality

Something tells me this is not what they had in mind. Women are still far behind men in this case, but are making serious strides to close the gap...

The gap between men and women committing violent crimes has been narrowing over the past two decades.
In 1986, for every nine men accused of a violent crime, there was one woman also charged. In 2005, for every five men accused of a violent crime, there was one woman charged.

Being equal is not always a good thing...


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Manley Report

I just finished reading the whole dang thing.(PDF) I should have just read the condensed version. Why do these reports always contain more blabber than actual facts, suggestions or opinions? I guess 94 pages looks much better than one when you have spent millions in the process...

Here is my cut through all the bullshit summary...

1. Harper sucks in the communication department. Like we already did not know that. Hire someone that knows how for fuck sakes!

2. Jack, Dion, Duceppe and Elizabeth May... Shut the fuck up, as none of you know of what you preach.

3. We need back up. NATO where are you?

4. Stay in Afghanistan until the job is done, with a few conditions:

1: Diplomacy — more a prescription of what the UN and NATO need to do to put more focus on goals in Afghanistan
2: Get more troops out of NATO, if so, continue combat deployment past 2009 — a 1,000-person battle group specifically — "to reinforce ISAF’s 'clear, hold and develop' strategy in Kandahar"
3: A “signature” aid project — CIDA must change its policies to give Canada a more tangible presence in job creation and aid delivery
4: Better monitoring of progress — "International parties to the Afghanistan Compact (mentioned earlier) to conduct a full-scale review of the
effectiveness of the security, governance and development effort as a whole in 2011. That multinational review should provide inform decisions on future Canadian commitments to Afghanistan."
5: Talk to Canadians — "The Government must engage Canadians in a continuous, frank and constructive dialogue about conditions in Afghanistan and the extent to which Canadian objectives are being achieved"

My favorite part...
The strongest impression formed by the Panel was that the Canadian Forces are doing a highly commendable job in a more violent and hazardous mission than was envisaged when they were first deployed to Afghanistan.

Canadian interests and values, and Canadian lives, are now invested in Afghanistan. The sacrifices made there, by Canadians and their families, must be respected. What we do there (or stop doing) affects the Afghan people. It can affect Canadian security. It can affect Canada’s reputation in the world. It can affect our influence in international affairs.

A premature military withdrawal from Afghanistan, whether full or partial, would imperil Canadian interests and values.

My second favorite part...
In Afghanistan there is not yet a peace to keep, no truce to supervise or “green line” to watch. This is a peace-enforcement operation, as provided for under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.

What makes me think that I am of the right opinion on this matter?
When the Families of the soldiers killed in Afghanistan agree with what the report says. They know more than anyone, the value of this mission.

Thank you Mr. Manley, Mr. Burney, Mr. Epp, Mr. Tellier and Ms. Wallin for your wise report on this matter.


Fred's Dead

The best person for the job has tossed in the towel. Guess I will now have to have a second look at John McCain.


Monday, January 21, 2008

Easy Money

All these Liberals living too fast for the easy money in British Columbia

So fast in fact, that they can manipulate time so they can work 30 and 32.5 hour days. Those Liberal lawyers are just amazing! Being a Liberal Senator does not hurt either.


Sunday, January 20, 2008


It is similar to F.U.B.A.R, but in this instance it is directed at Ed Stelmach and the Alberta PC's. It is a new acronym... "Fucked up badly on royalties". It did not take long for Eddy the Seagull to discover what real conservatives already knew. Charging more does not equate to more money coming into the coffers. It never pays to get too greedy. It sure looks good on paper but very seldom does it work out in the real world.

Let the back pedaling begin

What is that I hear? Could it be Eddy the Seagulls swan song? Lets hope so...


Dion wants to bring back the mini skirt

Dion has been known to set fashion trends. He did wonders for the back pack industry. He also brought us the infamous green scarves. Now it seems he would like to go back in Liberal time and bring back the mini skirt. Cause there is nothing like not having any new idea's of your own and simply rehashing the old... I think they call it "retro". Here I thought Dion was more of a "metro" type.



Floating bulldozer to crack through B.C. ice jam

Sorry but it looks nothing like a "bulldozer". It looks like an excavator. Funny enough, the story itself explains that it is an Amphibex Excavator. Some headline writer does not know of what he writes obviously.

It sure sounds like an expensive way to remove an ice jamb. At the beginning of this saga back in December of 07, I could not help but wonder why they did not simply blow this thing. Guess over the years we have forgotten more than we have ever learned from our elders. Its a frickin ice jamb, a few well placed sticks of dynamite would have cleared this thing in no time at all. Strange how a "third world" country like China still knows how to deal with these.

Nowadays, explosives dropped from aircraft are used to break the ice dams before they become dangerous.

It must be rocket science...


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Carbon Credits

Put down your drink and swallow what ever is in your mouth before hitting the play button!


The biggest problem we face today

No Toronto Mayor David Miller, it is not guns.
It is not terrorists.
It is not even Climate Change.

It is in fact RESPECT or the lack of, to be precise.

Much of todays society is so consumed with themselves and how important they think they are, they have forgotten, or worse, have never learned about respect. The links above is proof of that.

No respect for life. No respect for the dead. No respect for those simply just doing their job. I doubt if they have any self respect.

re·spect (r-spkt)
tr.v. re·spect·ed, re·spect·ing, re·spects
1. To feel or show deferential regard for; esteem.
2. To avoid violation of or interference with: respect the speed limit.
3. To relate or refer to; concern.
1. A feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard; esteem. See Synonyms at regard.
2. The state of being regarded with honor or esteem.
3. Willingness to show consideration or appreciation.
4. respects Polite expressions of consideration or deference: pay one's respects

Without respect, we have nothing to offer anyone that is of any worth. I do not suggest that we respect anyone for what position they hold in life, or what they have done. It matters not. We need to respect everyone we encounter in our lives, and some we may never meet, for without each and every one of them, our own lives collapse. No matter how meaningless you may think their position is in life, or how much better you are than them, without them, you are nothing. We all like to think of ourselves as being independent, but nothing could be further from the truth. We are all very dependent on each other. This is simply a fact of living in a society. When that society loses respect for its members, it will collapse. We are now seeing the cracks in our societies super structure. If we don't do some major repairs to our attitudes towards each other, we are all screwed in a major way.


Friday, January 18, 2008

Dions Interpreters

No, not to translate his broken English. To his credit, he has managed to get past that for the most part. Dion now only needs interpreters to translate what he really meant by what he actually said in English or French. You see, he is so damn smart that the average non Liberal just does not understand his higher being speak. It must be all those subtle nuances that we just seem to miss when he speaks. I'm guessing his higher being speak takes place during his inevitable pauses. They are not really pauses at all. That is when Dion goes into a telepathic state and transmits his thoughts to other Liberals so that they will truly understand him. The rest of us just have to wait for one of them to step up and tell us what he really meant. It really is quite simple....

The moral of this story is,
Never listen to Dion. Wait for someone else to translate or you will never know what he actually said. Now thats a quality you want in a leader...


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Flip Flop Flip

Stephane Dion just can't seem to figure out what it is he meant by his "intervetion" comment.

Today he has changed his thoughts on the matter. The liberals call it clarifying... I call it back pedaling...

Yesterday it was...

"If [Pakistani leaders] are incapable of doing it themselves, it is something that we could envision with NATO forces — how to help Pakistan help us bring peace to Afghanistan," he said during a news conference in Quebec City Wednesday.

Today it is...
"It was diplomatic intervention with an effort that must be more concerted between Canada and our NATO allies,"

I wonder what his story will be tomorrow?

Perhaps he should go back to school and learn a bit more about the art of sociology. He needs some upgrading...


Stephane Dion is a leader

Stephane Dion suggests there should be an "intervention" in Pakistan to solve the battle going on in Afghanistan.

[...] "As long as we don't solve the problem in Pakistan, I don't see how we can solve it in Afghanistan." [...]

Dion spoke and the enemy listened...
In an embarrassing battlefield defeat for Pakistan's army, Islamic extremists attacked and seized a small fort near the Afghan border, leaving at least 27 soldiers dead or missing. [...]

And here everyone thought it was Taliban Jack that was their leader...


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

One of these guys ain't like the other

One of these guys just isn't sane...

On the one hand we have our Prime Minister laughing at the Premier of NL for obvious reasons. Premier Danny Williams is off his rocker once again trying to make deals that no reasonable person would even consider. He must think that he is still dealing with a Liberal Government in Ottawa. Silly boy... Welcome to the real world Danny. Danny Boy makes terrorists demands look tame at times.

Don't get me wrong here. You have to give credit to Danny Boy for trying to swindle as much cash for the people in NL as he possibly can. He is certainly trying. His tactics on the other hand, lets just say the man lacks negotiating skills of any kind...


Monday, January 14, 2008

Does this really surprise anyone?

Except Cherniak of course!

Over the past year, Liberal Leader Stephane Dion's approval rating has plummeted across Canada, according to a new Strategic Counsel poll.


Wrong again Mayor Miller

The shooting prompted renewed calls for a ban of guns in Toronto.

"Handguns need to be banned period. No exemptions. No collectors. No loopholes. Ban them," said Toronto Mayor David Miller.

When will you people ever figure out that banning guns will not keep guns out of the criminals hands? They will acquire them regardless. Its not like they are worried about breaking laws! Why is common sense so lacking in the minds of "Liberal" thinking people? Quit trying to deal with real problems with emotional solutions. They don't work!

Perhaps Toronto Mayor, David Miller should read this blog to find the real solution to the problem of gun crimes...


Canada's Cocoon

Its not really the weather that has so many elderly Canadians heading to BC for their retirement. There is something else going on there. Perhaps there truly is something in the water?

[...] The life expectancy of Canadians continues to rise, and has now reached 80.4 years, according to new numbers released Monday by Statistics Canada. [...]

[...]British Columbia residents are expected to live to 81.2 [...]

They almost gain a whole year!

I wonder how long it will be before we start seeing more stories like this coming from the left coast?

Coincidence.... I think not...


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hooked on Fred

Politics here in Canada are a bit slow so I have turned south. I discovered Fred Thompson and like what I see and read.


Fred's values...

Fred... Uncommon Knowledge part one

Fred... Uncommon Knowledge part two

It is nice to see a politician that is not constantly slagging those he is running against. He gives you his view on how things should be, plain and simple. Very little hype, no pompous attitude, just tells it like it is, without worrying about political correctness. Many politicians could learn a lot from Fred. Fred... perhaps that is what drew me to him in the first place? He has enough self confidence and respect for the people that he prefers to go by his first name, not his last. It gives you a more personal feeling for the man. Very informal. I wonder, if he were to become president, do you think he would still prefer Fred? I get the feeling he would...


Friday, January 11, 2008

What Fred said

You just gotta love the guy. Straight forward, no bullshit, common sense... What more do you want from a leader?


Monday, January 07, 2008

Chinese quality control

Now theres three words I bet you thought you would never see together. Me too! All it is going to cost the consumer is a weeeeee 10% increase in the cost of Chinese made toys. A small price to pay to know little Johnny and Janey have safe toys to play with. Ya whatever...

"The damage done to the reputation of toys made in China has been immense and it will take time to turn around,"

Did Chinese manufacturers ever have anything but a bad reputation? To put it bluntly, the only thing that Chinese manufacturers have ever been known for is CHEAP, end of discussion. You get what you pay for...


Lowering crime rates

One permit at a time...

Six years after new rules made it much easier to get a license to carry concealed weapons, the number of Michiganders legally packing heat has increased more than six-fold.

Bet that scares the shit out of the anti gun folks!
The incidence of violent crime in Michigan in the six years since the law went into effect has been, on average, below the rate of the previous six years. The overall incidence of death from firearms, including suicide and accidents, also has declined.

Imagine that... more scary guns in the hands of law abiding citizens, and suddenly the criminals start thinking twice about committing crimes. I think it is called survival instinct or something like that...



"It's not easy, it's not easy, ummmm, and I couldn't do it if I did not passionately believe it was the right thing to do. [...} It's very personal for me."

Someone needs some acting lessons...

sniffle sniffle (video}


Sunday, January 06, 2008

Eddy "The Seagull"

Do you remember Eddy "The Eagle" Edwards? He was the ski jumper from the UK that became a household name when he famously came last in both ski jumping events at the Calgary Winter Olympics in 1988. It was not his abilities that made him soar in popularity. He was handicapped by his weight and by his vision or lack there of. He weighed 20 pounds more than his closest rival and was very short sighted.

Remind you of anyone?

He does a lot of squawking, lacks vision, is short sighted, loves to wallow in garbage, is full of shit and can't wait to drop it on the average Joe's head.
It is a challenge to find anything positive about his leadership of Alberta...

Eddy "The Seagull" Stelmack... Just another loser.

HT ABFreedom for the inspiration of this post.


Screw you two

Here it comes... If for some strange reason you ever wondered what it was like to live in the depression years. You may just find out if these people get their way...

OTTAWA — A federal advisory panel will unveil a long-term climate-change strategy Monday that is expected to back the idea of a carbon tax aimed at substantially reducing greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century, The Globe and Mail has learned.

The proposal will put pressure on both the Harper government and the Liberal Opposition, which have rejected a carbon tax that would penalize oil producers in the West most heavily.

The recommendation will raise a number of questions on Parliament Hill; specifically, whether a carbon tax is inevitable, who would collect the revenue, and how much a tonne of carbon is worth. [...]

Then there is the money quote...
Generally speaking, a carbon-tax measure would be designed to increase the cost of burning fossil fuels such as oil and gas. Such a tax could target industry or consumers.

Who the hell do they think they are kidding? There is only one place that the money will come from to pay for this. It will not come out of the profits of a single company. The companies will just pass the cost on to the consumer as usual. You and I, will pay every penny of this tax regardless of what anyone claims.

How they will justify any of their recommendations while the earth begins to cool, I have no idea...


Saturday, January 05, 2008


My spidey senses are tingling and that is never a good thing.
What is wrong with this picture?

The UN, brainwashing the worlds children, one comic book character at time. I Wonder if they will have Storm as the leading author of the next IPCC report on climate change?


Friday, January 04, 2008

And this is one of the cures?

If you listen to the ecofreaks, or if you are just frugal like me... you most likely have switched, or are at least thinking of changing all your light bulbs to CFL's. Some governments are forcing you to change and not even giving you the option. That includes the Canadian government. By now, everyone knows that they contain mercury, which in itself can be a minor hazard should you break a CFL bulb. You probably also know that the vast majority of CFL bulbs are made in China. Read cheap labour and cheap product. China is not known for their quality assurance now are they. Not to mention that their environmental record is deplorable. Now studies are revealing that they can be more dangerous to some people than we ever thought. For some people at least, this may not be the brightest solution.

They can cause skin cancer, aggravate existing medical problems, trigger migraines, and...who knows what other studies will discover in the future...


January 4th celebrations

Day of Martyrs of the Colonial Repression - Angola
Head of State's Birthday - Samoa
Independence Day - Myanmar / Burma
Martyrs of Independence Day - Zaire (Democratic Congo)
Trivia Day - United States of America


A tale of two love stories

The first of these tales is one that can not help but pull at your heart strings.

Elderly Quebec husband, wife die just hours apart

A 75-year-old Quebec man died in a Joliette hospital just hours after learning his wife had passed on, ending a romance between two hearts that friends said were inseparable.

In the comments...

How beautiful was this relationship?......we can all learn from it. My condolences to the family....know in your heart what is meant to be will be!!

If that's not true love, then I don't know what is. It's always nice to hear that you can find love no matter how old you are.
I offer my deepest condolences to the family of this couple.

After reading this story. I could not help but think of two certain bloggers that I know of.

If we all could be so lucky in love.


al Qaeda Wins

The Associated Press

PARIS -- The Dakar Rally, the epic motorcycle, car and truck race across the Sahara desert, was cancelled Friday by organizers citing "direct'' threats of terrorism from al Qaeda-linked militants.

How much do you want to bet that the organizers never asked the racers whether or not they still wanted to race. I would bet that the vast majority would have voted in favor of going ahead with the race. Perhaps bonus points for every terrorist that they ran over or killed in some other less glorified manner. They might even want to make a movie about it...



Baby mammoth could shed light on warming, even though it apparently froze to death...

This one is a bit puzzling. How did this so called "Arctic" weather make its way down to California without first affecting at least part of Canada? It also apparently is coming in from the south west... Did the "Arctic" move on me? Arctic storm bears down on California. Anyone? Anyone at all?

If, and that is a very BIG IF, our planet is supposed to be in some radical human caused warming, how is that this is being predicted at all? World to cool slightly in 2008


Thursday, January 03, 2008

January 3rd celebrations

Revolution Day - People's Uprising - Burkina Faso


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

January 2nds celebrations

2nd New Year's Day Holiday - Russia
Ancestry Day / Forefather's Day - Haiti
Bank Holiday - UK
Berchtold's Day - Liechtenstein, Switzerland
Bridge Day - New Caledonia
Labor Day - Ukraine
New Year's Day 2nd Day - Romania, Taiwan
New Year's Day Holiday - Mauritius, New Zealand, North Korea, South Korea
Victory of the Armed Forces Cuba
Kaapse Klopse - South Africa
Cassé Gateau - Voudon


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Todays Celeabrations around the world

It's not just New Years Day...

Founding of Republic of China - Taiwan
Independence Day - Cameroon, Haiti, Sudan
Independence Day of the Slovak Republic - Slovakia
Junkanoo, New Providence and Freeport - Bahamas
Liberation Day - Cuba
National Flag Day - Lithuania
National Tree Planting Day - Tanzania
Prayer Week - Niue
St. Basil's Day - Bulgaria
Universal Fraternity - Macau
Mary, Mother of God - Vatican City State
World Peace Day - Vatican City State
Global Family Day - International

Unofficially... Global Hangover day - International