Sunday, February 24, 2008

Just when you thought

You had heard it all...


Why is it that they ever leave the (sarc) WONDERFUL (/sarc) countries that they once called home if life abroad is so hard for them to adjust to.


ABFreedom said...

""I feel frustrated and angry. I have let my customers down simply because such a big company like Walkers is not sensitive to Muslim needs." ...

That statement sure gives new meaning to "I'm entitled to my entitlement".. If they don't like the f$#@ing things, don't buy the F#$%ing things, or go back home where you won't run into them.... Sheeesh...

Tim said...

it is far beyond "I'm entitled to my entitlement"

They are talking minute traces of alcohol here. No more than would be found in any form of bread for farg sakes... This is beyond the ridiculous...