Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Oops, they over taxed us again!

And we needed to raise the royalty rates on oil and gas because....?????

Ohhhhhhh, thats right, the government needs more money that it can't seem to find something worth while to spend it on...

Maybe if they left a little of that extra money in the peoples pockets they could afford to buy the new energy efficient appliances the government is trying to get us to buy with their measly $100 REBATE... Or maybe trade in our older vehicles for newer more fuel efficient ones... stuff like that... You know, to stimulate the whole economy!


ABFreedom said...

This really has me angry. If a government budgeted properly, there wouldn't be them kind of surpluses. Then the royalties double the insult. It reminds me of a quote from Ben Franklin - “Make yourself sheep, and the wolves will eat you.”

Tim said...

It simply boggles the mind that the politicians seem to think that EVERYONE is as stupid as they think we are. The sheep maybe a little slow to the take, fortunately there are a few wolfhounds left to keep an eye on the flock...