Saturday, February 10, 2007

King Kyoto and Kaptian Kyoto

Your environmental saviors:

The National Post has a little right up about our dear friend Maurice Strong(/sarc) and his influence on the Canadian liberal party in regards to Kyoto.

But Kyoto wasn't renegotiated because Mr. Strong is a buddy of former Prime Ministers Jean Chretien and Paul Martin. When he was involved in United Nations operations, he organized the UN's Earth Summit to deal with pollution. He asked for, and got, Canada's unconditional support for Kyoto.

But Canada agreed to commitments of dramatically reducing emissions that no one else did.
In fact, the Australians agreed to sign Kyoto after they were given permission by other signators to increase, not reduce, their emissions. This was appropriate given the resource-based nature of Australia's economy, its large land mass and other unique features.

Resources require huge inputs of energy, as does manufacturing, so they negotiated a smart deal.

Even then, the Aussies eventually refused to sign when they realized that the Americans balked on the basis that the world's emerging economies did not have any requirement to curb emissions or clean up their acts. They were exempted.

Today, those emerging economies represent 50% of the world's gross domestic product, almost double when Kyoto was inked.

The failure to impose rules on every country in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Russia is why Kyoto is not worth the trees that were cut down to provide the paper it was written on nor for the sea of newspaper articles still devoted to it.

While Kyoto has been a dead duck everywhere else in the world, except in the Liberal or NDP caucuses, the Tories are going to tackle the issue sensibly.
(emphasis mine)

I suggest you head on over and read the whole article. When you are done, head over to FOX News and read what they had to say about Mr. Strong recently. Neither story goes deep enough into this mans history and everything he has had his grubby little fingers in, but this is a good start.

H/T SDA and ABFreedom


ABFreedom said...

Thanks dude....

He was definitely the king pin in this scam ... To this day the left is trying to propagate this industry to fund their socialist aspirations...

Tim said...

I disagree though with your statement about the left funding their aspirations. They are not funding anything in fact. They are simply lining their own pockets which is their only goal.

ABFreedom said...

Ok...ok ... they have aspiring pockets ... probably due to a strong lack of genitalia ..

Tim said...


Joanne (True Blue) said...

Ha-ha! Great pics!!!

Tim said...

Thanks Joanne, I try... and thanks for popping in...