Monday, January 01, 2007

More Hot Air

With all this hot air being blown about it is no wonder the climate is changing. I still can't quite wrap my head around how any of this trading will help reduce the emissions of CO2 in any way shape or form in Canada. Just invest that money in technology here to clean up our act. Seems simple enough to me, and it will impact us here, both economically and by cleaning up our own mess. Am I missing something here? Besides the obvious things like the transfer of wealth. Speaking of which, how much of a commission do you think these "Emissions Trading Associations" make? I know they are not working for free to save our glorious planet. My enquiring mind would love to know.


ABFreedom said...

It ain't much different then what the brokers are stiffing us for at the border. They preach free trade, but damn do they stiff you when you want to do business on that side of the border. If your low volume, your screwed. So i don't imagine this will be any different. The regular joe canada dude is gonna pay the price, while the fweeeench elite continue to sip their imported wine.

Candace said...

Think Canadian Wheat Board - money is syphoned off the top to cover the costs of running a huge bureaucracy. Scary.

Tim said...

brokers, stiffing, bureaucracy, syphoned, border, Scary. Sounds like a lot of BS to me. Its all making perfect sense now... :)

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.