Monday, January 08, 2007

So-called greenhouse gases

There I said it. I'll say it again, so-called greenhouse gases. It kind of feels good. Go ahead, say it out loud. So-called greenhouse gases.

Am I missing something here? Dion seems to think this means something more than it does. He implies that it means that Harper has doubts that they are green house gases. Well lets see what google has to say... Results 1 - 10 of about 74,000 for "so-called greenhouse gases". You don't suppose that everyone of those "about 74,000" hits are all related to Harpers statement do you? As it turns out the first 8 are. After that it is hit and miss. So lets see who else refers to these "so-called greenhouse gases" shall we?

Geir Braathen From an article at MSNBC... "Nitrous oxide totaled 319.2 parts per billion, which is 0.19 percent higher than in 2004. Levels of methane, another so-called greenhouse gas, remained stable since last year, Braathen said."

From IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme "Although visible light passes through the atmosphere, some of the infra-red radiation is absorbed by the so-called greenhouse gases."

From Encyclopedia of the Atmospheric Enviroment "Despite their relative scarcity, the so-called greenhouse gases play an important role in the regulation of the Earth's energy balance."

From The UK Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP) "The earth is kept warm by the greenhouse effect. Certain gases in the atmosphere (so-called greenhouse gases) absorb energy that is radiated from the Earth’s surface, and so warm the atmosphere."

From NASA Earth Observatory "However, the presence of so-called greenhouse gases at high altitude absorbs much of this energy and then radiates a proportion back towards the earth’s surface."

From European Space Agency "These are just some of the consequences that have been associated with changes in global climate caused by human activity - particularly the pumping of so-called greenhouse gases into the atmosphere."

From FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS "This is caused by so-called “greenhouse-gases” trapping radiant heat reflected from the Earth's surface before it is released into space."

From IAEA "The generation of electric power around the world remains largely dependent on the burning of fossil fuels--oil, gas and coal--which are heavily polluting. One of the most serious threats to the global environment comes from such pollution--the rapidly rising emissions of so-called "greenhouse" gases, especially carbon dioxide(CO2) which many scientists believe is principally responsible for global warming."

From International Emissions Trading Association "The California Energy Commission's Climate Change Advisory Committee is eying "cap-and-trade" proposals, similar to what has worked to limit everything from smog to acid rain. This time it would go to limit so-called "greenhouse gases" that contribute to global warming."

From United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) "These so called greenhouse gases, with a total volume mixing ratio in dry air of less than 0.1% by volume, play an essential role in the Earth’s energy budget. Moreover the atmosphere contains water vapour (H2O), which is also a natural greenhouse gas."

I'll let it go at that.

Yup, I guess Dion is right. "So-called greenhouse gases" means exactly what Dion says, and even the United Nations has its doubts!

Update: Related discussions on this topic over at BPOC Oh No He Didn’t ??? Dazz has the lefties letting off some hot air of their own.

And over at the Prairie Wrangler Dion Steals a page from Martin's playbook Olaf, as usual hits it out of the park!


DazzlinDino said...

Kinda like the "so-called" factual data I used from pollution watch....

Tim said...

Are you saying that the data at pollution watch is in "doubt"? How could that be? Or better yet, Why would they do that?

Candace said...

good catch/work/etc! As a "so-called" single mother, I get really ticked that a cheque doesn't appear in the mail, that I don't watch soaps and drink beer all day, that my kid wears (only) second-hand clothes (thank God that Value Village ™ is all the rage these days), that I'm not beaten daily by my no-good, loser, welfare-collecting (also) loser boyfriend™, that my daughter isn't daily abused by said BF, etc.

Olaf said...

Agreed... very well done Tim. I'll link it into my post on the issue.

Tim said...

I do get a gooder idea now and again. Thanks Candace....

Thanks to you as well Olaf. I appreciate the link, I am honored to say the least. I admire your skills greatly. I will correspond in kind ...