Thursday, December 28, 2006

Age of Consent Changed?

It appears that the age of consent has been changed to 101(AB) and 135(BC). I am a little confused. Apparently, Western Canada has become of age, but it is not due to the age of the provinces. It is strangely enough based on the fact that the population of Alberta and British Columbia combined(7.69 million), have surpassed that of Quebec(7.65 million). That and, 2006 "was the year when the West, particularly Alberta, had a greater impact on the country's economy than ever before and generated more attention than ever, as well." (sure sounds like a fourteen year old) Even stranger is that Calgary is given all the credit when it is Fort McMurray that is the designated driver of "a speeding car with a gas pedal and no brakes.". As such, taking Calgary around to the fine dinning establishments, frolicking about and not to mention, the bank. While Calgary gets a billion dollar symbolic 59 storey Bow, that no doubt will stroke the ego of many, Fort McMurray is fighting for decent infrastructure to accommodate its growth. The environmental impact of the whole oil and gas industry has yet to be addressed sufficiently never mind the oil sands projects. Then there is also the problem of filling all the jobs currently available and those being created by yet more projects.Western Canada comes of age, but who and what, is getting screwed?


Candace said...

Wow, did you read the comments attached to the Globe article? Scary.

Am I paranoid, or was that article just a bit patronizing?

On a sidenote, Calgarians are starting to sound a bit like Trana (at least the ones that post at the Globe)

Tim said...

I did when I first saw it but I haven't gone back since.

Just a tad perhaps...

The bigger the wallet the bigger the ego.... seems to work for most places around the world... London, NYC, LA, Vegas, TO, Calgary ect......