Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Gilles Ducepption

If it is not reported in the media, It is simply not happening, according to the leader of the BLOCheads.

Duceppe said the mission needs to be “rapidly and profoundly” retooled and must focus more heavily on reconstruction instead of fighting.

Anyone with a brain cell can tell you that in order to do any reconstruction there first must be a stop put to the deconstruction. Who is performing the deconstruction in Afghanistan? Thats right, those rocket launching, AK47 firing, IDE carrying, car bombing, Taliban terrorists. And how do you stop them? How about we just ignore them, eventually they might get bored of killing and walk away. O', I know, deplomacy, that always works. Maybe we could... naw, that will never work... or will it? Lets get radical for just a minute and try something. Lets send our military there, you know, the guys trained to fight back that have big guns and shit like that. They could go in and establish some area's that are relatively peaceful. They could then do some reconstrution projects. When those are done they could fight their way to another area and do the same. Eventually they just might rebuild the whole country. Okay maybe thats a stretch.... OR IS IT? Lets take a look...
KPRT has almost a hundred projects either on the go or completed right now.
A few more things we have done or are doing there
Don't like my point of view? Try these on for size...
Kim Howells, Britain's minister of state for foreign and commonwealth affairs

Glad to see I'm not alone on this one. Good to know my single brain cell is still working fine.


ABFreedom said...

Thanks dude... and you sure ain't alone. Is being stupid a genetic trait in the fweeeench?

Tim said...

What is it that they always say Harper is doing? "Pandering to his base" sounds familiar. Ducceppe would never do that would he? Thats sooooooo neoconish.... He is doing what the french are famous for... waving their flag... the true french flag... the all white one.