Saturday, December 02, 2006

As I always do

I admit when I am wrong. I had picked Rae to win, not because I thought he deserved to win, but more on his connections and how they have worked for politicians in the past. Rae came in third. Perhaps politics in Canada is changing finally, for the better. Dion is the new leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. For a change, the best man won. The next question is ... can he take it to the next level? Time will tell.


Anonymous said...

Your watching this? ... their making it out to be the next leader of the world, and I haven't paid attention... for good reason.... LIEberals SUCK!..

Tim said...

I was watching are right about how it is being portrayed. I am watching as I like to know who the players are in this game we call politics. If you don't know the who, what, were and why it is very hard to oppose or agree with them which ever may be the case. An informed opinion is far better than just an opinion don't you think?

Anonymous said...

I agree with with viewing the results, but I don't think I could watch a LIEberal convention... I'd have to hurl to many times.... ;-)

Tim said...

The hurling I was doing was the things that were thrown accross the office. It was very hard not to smash the screen a few times in anger trying to smack some sense into the SOB' when JC took the stage... what a farce that was...

Candace said...

Tim, no sh*t on the Jc comment. WTF is an ex-PM doing commenting on policy? F*cking Liberals. Rules for them just seem to be so bendable, don't they?

Tim said...

Hey Candace! long time no see...miss ya... Rules? Liberals have rules? Oh ya they Say what ever it takes to win but don't follow through on anything.

Candace said...

What was I thinking, it isn't a "rule" that an ex-PM not comment on a current PM's policies, it's a common courtesy.

Expecting decency or courtesy from Chretien is like expecting warm weather in December in AB - it happens occasionally, but you certainly shouldn't count on it.

Tim said...

"common courtesy".... JC has never had anything that begins with common... including: coutesy, sense and decency.