Sunday, December 17, 2006

Clear cut logging will save the planet

Hey don't look at me that way. It is not my theory. Dr Bala and colleague Ken Caldeira, from the Carnegie Institution of Washington, used a computer model to determine the impact which forests in different parts of the planet would have on temperature. They have concluded that the only good tree's as far as climate change goes are the one's in tropical area's. Tree's grown elsewhere are detrimental to climate change.

"The darkening of the surface by new forest canopies in the high-latitude boreal regions allows absorption of more sunlight that helps to warm the surface," Dr Bala said.

"In fact, planting more trees in high latitudes could be counterproductive from a climate perspective."

The study finds little or no climate benefit when trees are planted in temperate regions.

Taking Dr. Bala's findings into account, all we need to do is log all of the non tropical tree's of the planet, plant a bunch in the tropics , and we are well on our way to saving the planet. Yee haw! Maybe now our governments can move on to things like governing their countries.

Read it!


ABFreedom said...

So how do you stop the dark dirt underneath from absorbing heat? ... I'm sooooo confused..

Tim said...

Thats simple.... buy reducing the warming effect...the ground will be covered by white stuff.... oh crap...another ice age.... more hysteria... we are hooped either way.....

ABFreedom said...

LOL ... good one...