Sunday, April 08, 2007

Cha Cha Cha Changes

Mother Nature has her way of adapting to everything. You no doubt have heard how with global warming, the oceans will rise and cause flooding on low lying area's. In a twist of fate, Mother Nature has come to the rescue to protect the Island of Ranongga in the Solomon Islands from rising sea levels. But you won't see anyone mentioning that fact anytime soon. Instead you will hear how the islands coral reef was destroyed and the possibility that the fishery in the area will suffer. Negative news sells...

This is just another example that proves that our world is ever changing whether we like it or not. We humans cannot and do not control, or cause everything. Although we certainly like to think we can and do.

We are all at the mercy of Mother Nature no matter where we live.


Candace said...

OK, so obviously, every fish within miles of the island MUST have been swimming in the reefs and is now dead, right? And if the islanders are smart, they'll figure out a way to market the above-water coral - jewelry, sculptures... something. And turn the Japanese warship into a museum.

And be happy they won't drown when Armageddon happens and all the icebergs melt.

Tim said...

As usual you make very valid points Candace. However, you are using common sense, which is forbidden in todays society. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go and do not collect $200.00....

As far as the coral jewelery idea...
I do believe that many countries have laws regarding the protection of coral reefs that will not allow such.

ABFreedom said...

See what buying carbon credits can do.... it's because of all those purchases in Mo Strong/Gores trading company that the island was raised .... /sarc

Tim said...

Now that IS some Gore effect AB... scary thought... Is their vault located under Ranongga? Could explain this upheaval...